We all watched the inauguration yesterday. What a great feeling to see history taking place. I teared up a few times and still have warm fuzzies from the whole experience. To top it off they reported that no one got arrested, nothing malicious happened, and our nation proved to the whole world that we can stand together, that we are a whole lot more than the "loud Americans" that think they know everything. The winds of change are here and I for one am glad.
I watched a lot of the coverage on Oprah. I DVR'ed Oprah yesterday and when the boys and I got home we rushed to see what she had on. At the end of the program there was song played called "America". Donnie heard it and liked it so when Oprah said that you could download it for free we immediately went to Oprah.com. I was clicking away trying to find the song and I noticed a banner that said to attend the Oprah show click here. I am a pro website surfer so I clicked on it. It gave me a bunch of instructions and a phone number to call. The call line would be opening at 10 AM on the 21st.
At promptly 10 AM I started calling. As I was multitasking....yes I really was.....my co worker L says "oh no one ever gets in, it's a waste of time." My response was "You have to be positive. Don't say the negative, state the positive and it will happen." Corny huh? Well I believe it. I read the book the "Secret" and I for one believe. She went on and on about how she has tried for years and never gotten through. I called her a negative nellie and kept hitting redial. I finally heard ringing and an automated voice got on the phone. So as the story of my life goes I was put on hold. I waited again and at 1142 I GOT TICKETS. OMG can I tell you I almost jumped through the roof. The max you are able to get are four tickets so I got tickets for me, my Mom, my SIL, and my Granny. I wish my Aunt could go but she will be away on holiday already. So of course I am as happy as can be and am counting down the days.
Needless to say L was dumbstruck and started dialing as well. I told her I would help her call. She was constantly saying things like "I wont get through", "It never happens to anyone but lucky people like you." I just kept calling her a negative nellie and telling her that I would get through and GUESS WHAT? I did. So now her and her Sis, Mom, and BFF are going too. See people thinking positive really does work....that and THANK YOU GOD FOR LETTING ME GET THROUGH!!!
Anyone that knows me knows that I love Oprah. In fact the first thing that came out of my mouth when Donte told me that we were PCS'ing to Chicago was that I will get to see Oprah. Seriously if I had a bucket list going to Oprah would be on mine.
Well I gotta run but I will leave you with a few pics from Christmas.

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