Donte made the list for E7 back in March. We were extremely happy and began the long wait for his sequence number to come up. His number is 16 so we guesstimated (that is a word)roughly 6 months. Well on Aug 1st he will be pinned. YIPEEE, HOOOORAH and all those happy party sounds. He works really hard and is very dedicated to what he does and in my eyes no one deserves it more than him.
The weather here has cleared up and we have had the chance to enjoy the outdoors a bit. It isn't as hot as it was before the rain so it's absolutely beautiful. We have about a month left before school starts and we all go back to the grind of homework, working and all the daily joys that happen during the school year. In a way I am ready but in a way I am enjoying the summer with the boys so very much that I don't want it to end. The boys are growing up so fast that soon they will be more interested in doing their own thing instead of hanging out with Mom. So I am treasuring every moment.