Well time seems to be flying now. I swear it was just Monday morning and now here we are Thursday afternoon. We are in the midst of yet another lovely winter storm....check out the map above. It started snowing here at around 6 AM and is due to keep snowing until 7 pm tomorow. I have heard that we may get anywhere fom 4 inches to a foot!!!! Wow I should be in swimsuit shape by the end of the weekend because of all the shoveling that I am going to have in front of me. Wishfull thinking I know but hey I have to motivate mself somehow. When I talked to Donte he said it was nice weather in GA......Gee thanks hon thats just what I want to hear......you enjoy the lovely weather and I will start shoveling the million mile driveway....OK well it's not a million miles long but I need sympathy darn it. It's cold and yucky out there!!!! :0) Well Daniel is hoping for a snow day and Donnie wants to go to school so he wont have to make it up in the summer....I have to say that I can go either way. If it's a snow day I will snuggle deeper into my big fluffy bed for a few more hours......if we have to go in at least it's Friday!!