I can not STAND companies that pride themselves on customer service and then turn around and hire tweedle dumber and tweedle dumbest to work for them. As most of you know Donte and I moved to Chicago on military orders...yup that's right we didn't just decide to move we had to. So we get here and lo and behold the cell company that we had is not available in this area and after a few months of dropped calls and missed text messages I called and complained and the rep for the said cell company told me I would be better off to disconnect and go with a carrier that had local towers. OK made sense so off we went and found Verizon. I then call old cell company to disconnect. I get a rep named Lisa and she is as sweet as can be and says "please just fax your military orders and it will be done within 24 hours".....Great I think....this will be easy. Well 48 hours later I call back and they say "no ma'am no orders please fax again". So I call Donte ask him to re fax and to make sure that he gets a confirmation letter out of the fax this time. He does this I call and they say 24 hours again. So I call back ....this time its dumb as rocks one
DAR1 (Dumb as Rocks One)...."No ma'am we don't get faxes"
Me..."WHAT??????I just spoke to two people in three days that said fax to this number and now you say there are no faxes."
DAR1..."no we don't get them."
Me..."Please put me through to your supervisor"
me on hoooooooooooooooooooold forever.
G (Supervisor)....."yes Mrs. Slade we have received both your faxes but our faxes go straight to email and the person that it went through to is out."
Me...."OK well cant someone go and get them. It has been over three days and two faxes later and you still have not closed out my account."
G..."let me see what I can do"
Me.....on Hooooooooooooold again
G..."OK we will have it taken care of in 24 hours."
Me..... "Great Thank you do I get a confirmation?"
G....."someone will call in 24 hours."
72 hours later.......................................
I Call in the morning cant remember what time. Get in touch with another supervisor (this company has way too many supervisors)O
Me....I explain the situation
O....."I will get it done." (in his best superman voice)
Me....."good thank you."
O....."I will call you back in 20 min."
Me.......(slight hope that this will work) "Thanks."
45 min later I call back
Me......"O, this is me, can you tell me the status?"
O......"the lady that has it is out until 1130 so I will have to call you back at 1200 this gives me the time to get it all settled."
Me. Annoyed but still polite... "Thank you"...I hang up the phone and whisper dumb ass he should have called and at least told me that
One o'clock comes and I call back....notice that I am the one doing all the calling back
Me...."I have called three times today. You give me time frame for a return call and do not call. I would like to know whats happening with my account....I am getting a bit frustrated."
O...."yea ma'am I am still waiting on the fax...we are really busy."
Me..... "I know that you are busy (I wanted to scream, how busy would you be if I put my foot up your ...but alas I didn't.)but its ridiculous that I have been dealing with this for days and no one there can seem to figure it out."
O..."I apologize ma'am as soon as I get the fax I will call back." ( at this point he sounds like Charlie Browns teacher and there is steam starting to come out of my ears)
Me..... "OK and just to make sure that we are on the same sheet of music we are military they are military orders so the one phone still under contract we are cancelling with no penalty."
O..."ummm I don't think so. Its a case by case." ( CASE BY CASE IS HE KIDDING???)
Me...."I talked to the supervisor before you and the statement made to me us that if you have military orders and you are moving to a place where you do not offer service we can cancel that contract without penalty."
he then proceeds to give me some mambo jumbo and I calmly state through my gritted teeth that "there is no fee...call me when you get the fax."
Called for the 4Th time by this point I am highly aggravated. They patch me through to stinky attitude, I need a life girl who thought that she was the cream of the crop. "We cant patch you through to O you will have to deal with me." ( Is she for real, I may sound sweet but hell I was raised an Army Brat, am an Army Wife and my parents didn't raise a sissy...yes I am respectful...but I have a limit.)
Me......I state that I have been working with a specific person and would like to keep working with him as I do not want to have to explain myself for the 100th time.
SAINALG (stinky attitude, I need a life girl).…unreasonable and rudely said that she could not get o on the line and I could hang up and call back if I wanted another supervisor.
Me....CLICK!!! You guys just don't know how close I got to screaming but I had to get my account straight and hey she has to live with herself right?...Right now I am so not liking being a mature grown up and just want to bring her down a few notches.
I call back for the 5Th time at 2:55. I get a Rep who is trying to locate O (who I would like to throw a pie at) and here I am on hold again!
Finally I get another supervisor, we will call him "L" who actually had some brain matter that worked and thanks to him and me scanning what he needed. We are now out of our contract, with no early disconnection fee!!
Me...."Thank you for getting this resolved, but what happened to O?
L...."hes standing here but was a bit confused, I am so sorry that you have had this much trouble." .....uhhh you think!!
Me.."Thank you again L have a nice day."
Now what I really wanted to say was......I better not they may suspend my blog due to the violence and profanity. I am all calm now after taking the boys to swim practice, cooking dinner, washing the dogs, doing a load of laundry (I really miss my cleaning lady...do you think I could get her a visa to the states...she probably wouldn't come...I wouldn't leave Germany either)Cleaning the kitchen and tucking the boys in.
so if you ever have a problem with ALLTEL....who I have to say were great until I had to disconnect....drop me a line/ L gave me his agent ID and direct line ....in case I ever need it. Trust me I wont but if you do and would like to cut through the crap to get your problem solved....drop me a line.