I really love Sundays. It's a day that we are all usually home and it's a day of doing whatever we want to. I absolutely love to spend time together especially when it's just the four of us. In the winter we are even known to stay in our PJ's all darn day.
Today we had a nice lazy morning. The boys and I were up and Donte was still asleep. We were doodling around downstairs when my Mom called to tell me that Mario Kart was in the Target flyer....hmmmmm i googled the number and they were all sold out. I decided to go to the Best Buy sight and what to my wondering eyes did appear? The Best Buy in Bolingbrook had one. I called and the lady said that they had 9 left. I ran upstairs told Donte....he jumped into gear after a few choice words and hollered at the boys to hurry up and get dressed. We all piled in the car and off we went. We get to the store go in and they had 3 left...I wish I had my camera to show you all how wide the boys smiles were. We also had to stop by the Krispy Kreme store....only because it was right there. It had been awhile and anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE THE LEMON FILLED. We walk in and the boys are pointing out all the ones that they want, I didn't see the lemon filled so I asked the lady. She had the nerve to tell me that they had been discontinued. WHAT!!!!! OMG are you serious? <--I really said that. She said that they weren't that popular. AAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHH! They are popular to me darn it and that's all I care about <---OK so I didn't say that. I settled for a raspberry. And even waited until I got home to eat it. Where's the fun in that?
However we did grill tonight and that was scrumpdiddlyumpcious to say the least. You better believe that I put some of that corn out there and Daniel and torn it up! So now I'm sitting here aimlessly plugging away on my laptop, Donte is playing Call of Duty 4, and the boys are playing Mario Kart. I think this is the perfect time for me to sneak into my scrapbook room and get some memories done.