First of all can I say that working at a school has its perks. My last day of work was December 21st and I return on January 7th. It is so nice not to have to dread going back to work. Everyone was so excited as the school day creeped to an end and we all wished each other a great Christmas and a safe New Year....boy what a change from "not everyone gets to take leave".....I have to admit that every time I took leave at my last job I cringed because I knew that I would get the cold shoulder when I returned and the not so discrete.....we are soooooo behind comments. Even though I earned the leave I never got to completely relax. Thank you God for giving us orders here and helping me land the perfect job that lets me balance being a Mom and going to work.
The days before Christmas were spent with Jenn, Brian and the boys. I am so glad that our families mesh so well. We did some shopping, a little cooking and a whole lot of laughing. Jenn and I even got Donte and Brian the same shirts that said "your roof or mine?" The kids of course had a blast together doing a whole lot of everything. We also got to spend some time with Jenn's Dad Ron who is just as sweet as he wants to be....makes me super excited for the day that My parents will be back to spend time with all of us.
Christmas was a blast. It was just the four of us this year and we totally took advantage of a PJ day. Donte and I did most of the cooking the day before so we had minimal cooking and cleaning to do. The boys were totally spoiled and haven't given the Wii a rest yet.....I have to admit that I like Guitar hero......ummm yup I've been playing right along with them as has Donte. If you have a Wii I suggest the game called playground. Dodge ball is a great game and you will be falling dowm laughing while playing it. It was really nice having Donte home this year too. We have spent many Christmas' without him. Once in Kosovo and another in Iraq. It was a blessing to say the least to have him home safe with us.
So on to my one small victory......Donte no longer has a game room....since he has taken over the plasma he never uses it....soooooo I now have a craft room. I am in heaven I tell you. I am almost done getting it together. We bought a 6 foot table and some storage drawers and I cannot wait to get started. I will take pictures when its done and show you all. I feel like a kid in a candy store.
As for the snow it's been coming down and in fact it is snowing right now. The kids and the dogs have been having a blast in it.