....As the kids arrived they started a lively game of basketball in the front. There was lots of hooting and hollering, not to mention laughter. I had 9 count them 9 boys from the age of 8 to 10. After it got too dark we all went inside and ate. the Chili's platters and pizza were a huge hit as was the Dr. Pepper in the football shaped bottle. They ate, and ate, and ate...finally time for the cake....um well not your usual type of cake but a Donut cake. I layers the donuts on a platter that had three different levels and tuck candles in 9 of them. We all sang happy birthday and the birthday boy blew out his candles.
I think my family is starting a trend. We haven't done traditional cakes since we moved here. Dannie is into the donuts and doesn't eat cake unless its chocolate and then he doesn't like the icing. Donnie likes cake but wanted his candles in the huge burrito last year. That's right he had a burrito cake. This year it was Donuts again for Daniel, I can't wait to see what Donnie comes up with.
Ok back to the party. After the cake he opened presents. Oh did he love his presents!!! Then they were left to the playing and horsing around. I moved the dining table in the formal dining room so the boys had that entire room as well as the Wii room to sleep in. Donte and i escaped to the living room and tried to watch TV but that was a bust the boys were so loud that we couldn't hear it. After a little while had passed I decided that their food was settled and that they could go ahead and play the game that I created. Now you all know that at 9 they don't play games right..........I thought long and hard and came up with a movie game. We picked 12 movies and came up with clues. For example Fantastic Four was Super X 4, and Elf was Spaghetti and Chocolate pop tarts. I taped a letter to each of the movies and hid them in our collection. I then cut out numbers and put them in a baggie. All the numbers were the same color except for the 6, it was red. The red number was the person that would get the first chance to guess where the prize was. After they guessed all the movies they spelt out China Cabinet. Then I told them a riddle of where in, on or around the cabinet the prize was, it wasn't long before they were all throwing out guesses. I had hidden their treat bags under the China Cabinet and hid them with a throw. The goodie bags were stuffed with Mad Libs, Cards, Pencils that were half pencils and half colored pencils, and of course tons of candy. They were thrilled and tore right in. To my surprise they wanted more riddles....WOW......I was so glad that they enjoyed it. After that it was game on with a Call of Duty 4 tournament and lots of eating and farting.....it was lovely I tell you. Finally Donte fell asleep on the fat boy chair and I tried to sleep on the couch. At around 2AM I went in and got the final two to settled down.......they were all up by 7AM. I fed them a healthy breakfast of donuts and juice and they all headed out to play basketball. We were all outside in our Jammies playing basketball and making a ruckus until all the boys went home. They were all gone by 930Am except for one that hung out for the day. We hurried up got dressed and went to Donnies football game. One of Donte's soldiers and his family showed up and followed us home. We again were outside enjoying the great weather for a while. They left at around 3 and we went inside. Dannies last little friend got picked up at around four. I looked around at my house and decided that it could wait. I crashed and when I say crashed I mean I crashed!!! Now here I am suppers on the stove and we are all sitting in the living room, rested, relaxed and awaiting the premier of Heros.