Saturday, March 01, 2008


so I am still battling the crud. I can at least breathe today.....amazing I tell you. The boys both had a sleep over yesterday so I took full advantage and slept! I woke up this morning with the sun shining into my bedroom. After all the gloomy, snowy days it is a welcome change. Our high will be in the 40's tomorrow....I hate to admit it but that's warm here. Anything over 0 is warm here. The dogs went out and played this morning.....they are southerners too and have been couped up with all the snow. After the boys get back I will be off to SAMS and Caputos to get some grub. I hate to admit but I haven't been grocery shopping in over a month....well I've picked up milk and stuff but no real food in a while. Lets hope that the meds keep me breathing until I get back!