Today was day two for football conditioning. Donnie and Dannie both condition on different fields that are no where near each other so Donte rushes home grabs one child I grab the other and off we go. The boys need to be there at 6PM...PROMPTLY. They constantly go from 6PM to 8:30PM. They hit, they tackle, they look mean, they laugh, and man do they sweat. The weather here has been perfect for it and I have met some really great people. The parents are actually all really nice and have common courtesy<-----Big change from some of the other sports out here. In fact it's really relaxing for me.
Donnie has about 14 kids in his section and they all get along so well. Us parents take our lawn chairs and get to gab and watch our little men transform from itty bitty babies to little men on the field. I took my camera today and got some great pictures. The skies have been blue and the boys have been full of energy as have the parents and I really think that the positive energy transcends into everyone.
As Donnie and I were driving home today I was telling him how very proud I was of him and that I could really tell that he was enjoying himself. He smiled and looked at me and said "Mom, I'm really good at this aren't I?" I responded with "You sure are." You see after asking them both if they were sure they wanted to play, and them saying yes. I went out and signed them up. As soon as we were done and got back in the van Donnie says something along the line of "I don't think I want to do it." My head could have popped costs more than a couple hundred for each kid to play and you don't get a full refund. My reply to him was " Oh no you wanted it, you got it, suck it up son, you will be fine." Now don't get me wrong nothing would have made me happier than running in and saying pull my sons name out....but it's the principle. Once you have signed up, you can't quit. You have to give it all you have. I am not raising quitters. So today as I watched him catch, tackle, and all that other football stuff I could have passed out from the sigh of relief because you see my son was enjoying it. We talked for awhile about it and he was telling me how he faked this and how you can't tackle with your helmet because you can break your neck (UUUUUhhhhhh SON DON'T TELL MOM STUFF THAT HAS BREAK AND NECK IN THE SAME BREATH). He was grinning from ear to ear. It gave me the warm fuzzies.
I don't know if I was dizzy from the warm fuzzies or dizzy from the smell coming off my boy. Man he was stiiiiiinky. I know he put deodorant on too because his Uncle Adam bought him David Beckham deodorant that he slathers on so the whole world knows he smells good. I cracked the windows and he says " smells good doesn't it Mom?. My mouth hung open in see his is my sweet one....and he cracked up laughing. As he did so he raised his arm and said "smell it!" By this time we were both laughing hysterically and both my windows were down. I can just imagine when they are teenagers what I am going to have to go through. **Lord help me please**