Saturday, July 12, 2008

Had To Share

This is a conversation I just had with my Soul Friend. J and I have been friends ever since we the only two flutes in beginning band. We have followed each other all over the world and she can read me like an open book. Soooooo I am still stalling in my craft shopping and getting more agitated by the fact that my boys are going into football.....this is how the convo went.....


S: How was it?

J: OMG you were right that movie was the boooooomb

s: I told you....did you crack up when he said they should have sued McDonalds?

J: HA yup that was too good

more banter about Hancock and Will Smith

Then we start talking about vacations, and family, and all the regular stuff. I tell her I better go because I have to get ready to get the boys stuff but I don't wanna go.

J: Why not? they are boys....

S: I know but there my babies and I don't want them getting hurt.

J: They are rough, they will be fine.

S: I know but....well FD says that they are rough enough and that their Daddy's mean as a rattle snake so they will be fine.

J: Ain't no one meaner than you. LOVE YOU go get ready so you can get the boys stuff.

S: **laughing** Whatever LOVE U2.

Thanks butt head for making me relax. Miss U!!!

A Few Things I Have to Say

Check it out.

Shopping in The Basement and Football

Yesterday morning when the boys and I got up I mentioned to them that we were going shopping. I got the usual uhhhh nooooooooo. I am trying to hold in my laughter. In a house full of testosterone there are few girlie things that I actually have the pleasure of dragging them along with me for. They would die if they had to go to a salon....thats right if it aint a barber shop, they will not enter. Thats all ok with me. It just drives me nuts that my men have an aversion for shopping unless it has something to do with electronics. Yesterday was payback. After complaining for a min and syaing nooooooo about 15 times they finally asked where we would be going shopping. I calmly informed them that we would be going shopping in the basement. I almost busted out laughing at the look on their faces. Wheres that camera when you need it? After scraping their chins off the floors the decided that it had to be better than going to SAM'S or Caputos. Little did they know...

You see there are still boxes in the basement from when we moved here a year ago. Not a whole lot but not a whole little either. I purchased 15 plastic bins. Not huge ones but ones that I know I can easily carry myself incase Donte's not here. What doesn't fit in those boxes gets put into one of three piles....toss, donate/give to people I know that would like it, or yard sale. Don't worry I didn't slave drive them all day just for 90 min. I figure 90 minutes a day and we should have it done in 4 sessions tops. This gives us a set time to get it done.

However when I went downstairs I was armed with my fly swater and vacuum. There are enough spiders down there to start an exhibit in a science museum. I spent the first 15 minutes franticlly vacuuming spider webs up. We literally never go in the basement. The boys found all of this very funny. They thought that the two frogs outside the basement window was funny too. They named them Bart and Stewie. I am a girl I DO NOT LIKE THAT CRAP. ahhhh welll whatdayagonnado?

I sectioned the basement off into quadrants and we went to work. I am happy to say that we got one of the quadrants entirely done. The boys found a few of their boxes with some old treasures in them and had a blast going through and adding to their piles. They even got the snoopy snowcone maker that Adam sent me out an attempted to make the snowcones. Ahhhhh to be a kid again. We will resume out shopping sesion on Monday. On a side note I dont think they will complain about going grocery shopping for a while.

On to football. Yesterday was equipment pickup day for he boys. We trudged out to four seasons park and got into the line that wrapped around the tents and waited. Now I am sitting here filling stuff out and the boys even have to sign a contract stating that they understand that they will have to behave...tsk tsk. TESTOSTERONE......enough said. So we get to the weigh station they check the boys again for their weights and make sure that they are put into the right categories. Daniel is a Bantam and Donte is a Featherweight. They then proceeded to go through the line and get all kinds of pads, crotch protectors, mouth guards, and the huge shoulder pads. They were both grinning liking cheshire cats as was Big Donte. I on the other hand could have passed out. these are my babies and I dont want them to get hurt!!!! I couldn't say that as a Mom you have to let your kids experiance life and at least try the things that they would like to. I would rather have two golf players. Alas I am outnembered...that damn testosterone thing!!! I know that they will do great and for big Donte, I know that this has been a dream of his for awhile. He did wait for the boys to bring it up to him before we signed them up but let me tell you the word football came out of their mouths and he jumped into action....GOD please help me o get through this. Another side note. I picked up a box of hair dye yesterday and am going to call Gina on Monday. I know the gray is going to be coming with a vengance. For all of you who were trying to be sweet and told me that it wasn't that bad.......pahhhhhhleeeeeease it's not good. I love you all for trying :0)

As for me today I am going shopping in my craft room. I need to get that straightened out and it's the perfect morning to do it. Donte had to run into work for a few hours, they boys are busy playing games, the gardeners are here so we have to stay in for a couple of hours anyway. This afternoon we will be going to buy Cleets and Helmets. DAMN there popped up another gray hair.....