Well last night as I sat on the laptop piddling around on my email.....the unthinkable happens. First it shuts off....I immedialtly make sure that the power supply is plugged in....it is.....and then I try to restart but I get this black screen with white writting saying that my system is unstable and then it gives me various modes that I can restart in. I invain tried each and everyone and the blasted thing would not reboot. So upstairs I went to search out the recovery disks and other disks for all the software. After I gathered all the above I was just plain upset that this computer that goes everywhere with me has now decided to take a break....I mean these things are not supposed to happen right? Well I decided to let it wait until morning because I had promised the boys that we would go to the movies.
So this morning I got up and started recovering the laptop. Everything went well but my wireless internet button was missing. Hmmmmm I call Comcast who tells me that I need to call Compaq and get the driver update or go online. Well since the phone was there I decided to call....What in the world did I do that for. The bright shining light on the other end informs me that the drivers are in the computer but I will have to pay a fee to talk to someone who can tell me how to get it done..now he says this to me like I am a dumb ass..So I said No way am I paying another red cent to get this laptop working and that Compaq sucks and I should have gone with another company! You see I didnt want another repeat of my Alltel situation so I just said what I had to and hung up. Plan B. My brother and his wife have a roommate his name is Ron and he is GREAT. He told me where to go online and what to do and said if I couldnt get it he would be home on the evening to help me.....what a saint!!! So I went online downloaded all that I needed got my key to unlock the majic pearly gates of the wireless internet and Bada Bing Bada Boom......I am gleefully connected. Now I am updating the system and am currenty on number 57 of 77 updates. Then its just the printer and the scanner and I am done. Thank God I have everything saved to my external hard drive!!!!
A big thanks to Ron the computer genius.