When I was a kid my Grandparents lived in Pennsylvania. I remember many a summer night chasing lightning bugs with my little brother and cousins. I remember how the air felt, the softness of the grass, and the pure magic that a bug that can glow in the dark would bring to me.
I don't think that I ever saw one in North Carolina but there are tons here. Last night, with plastic jars instead of glass, all four of us went outside to catch some lightning bugs. The boys were running around like crazy trying to catch them. Donte couldn't help himself he too had to get out there.
Sometimes I wonder how it would be if there were no digital cable, Wii, DS's, and PSP's. How carefree and wonderful it must have been to deem lightning bug catching as evening entertainment. Don't get me wrong I love all the new technology that we have today. It's just that seeing the boys so gleefully happy chasing bugs was wonderful. I want them to have the experiences that we had as kids, a little bit of the carfreeness, I want them to enjoy being a kid.