Last Thursday my husband calls me at around lunch time and says "can you get Jenn to watch the boys? ....and can you go home as soon as the last bell rings?...Make sure to get ready to go know shave your legs and all that fun stuff you do." I was mute for a min because uhhhhhhhh where are we going? We have a dinner to say bye to the commander is my husbands response. We have to leave at 5....does he not realize that I get home at 4 and that I just took my nail polish off this morning because it chipped and that alone would take 30 min to redo? So I hurry and call Jenn about the boys and inform my co-workers that I will be running out as fast as I can this afternoon. They by the way are great and say go home now if you want...but the boys don't release until 1530 so I may as well wait for them.
I finally get home the boys let the dogs out and feed them as I rush to get ready and I think I am doing pretty good. I am dressed, hair done, make up done and its 445. Donte is home getting ready himself. I start to repaint my nails and realize that they will have to dry in the car. I run the boys over to Jenns at 1700 and bless her, she says they can just spend the night if your going to run late. I run back heels and holler up to Donte that I am ready and he says "we can leave at 1730"......are you kidding me? Does he realize how much I rushed?
We finally get in the car and get going. We get to the restauant and go in and there are all of 4 other people there....everyone else is late. WOW I am so used to the military being sticklers about time....I guess in the recruiting world on time is showing up a hour late. That was actually OK with me since we were 15 minutes late anyway.
We had a blast. It was so much fun. It was actually the first of these functions that I didn't leave feeling as if I wanted to never go back. It was at a little cozy chop house that served great drinks. Even though the food left a lot to be desired it didn't make much of a difference at all. We got home a bit late and I had a lttle bit of trouble getting up the next morning but oh was it worth it.
I only hope that ATC goes as well.