Here he is.....little Carson
Cader. My baby brother and his wife brought this tiny bundle of joy into all of our lives on December 8
th. He weighed in at 8lbs 2oz and 21 3/4 inches. He is absolutely perfect and I am so proud of both of them. I promise to cuddle, kiss and spoil him with everything that his Mom and Dad wont let him have or do. I will also have tons of great stories for him about his Daddy when he gets a little older. His Uncle and cousins are busy trying to figure out who he looks like and are aching for the day that he is a little older and can join in with all of the high jinx that boys get into. In the mean time I am counting the days down to go home and meet him. Welcome to this world baby's a great one.

My Mom proud Grandma for the third time. If we keep this up we will have our own football team when its all said and done.

Carson rocking his Georgia Tech gear......maybe one day he will be a hell of an engineer
