Today started off early. The boys have being dying to see Dark Knight as has Donte. So we were all dressed, fed, and in the car by 9AM. The film was filmed right here in Chicago and I knew with all the hoopla that it would be one of those movies that drew the crowds by the masses. There was a 930AM showing and we got there at around 920. Unfortunately the theater was already crowded. We bought tickets for the 10AM, got our icees and candy, and settled in. The boys and Donte loved it. I liked it as well but the length kinda got to me. It was almost 3 hours long. All in all it was worth it and the boys are still talking bout it.
We then headed to the fresh market and to the local farm. The farm stand was finally open.......I have been counting the days for it to open. There's nothing like fresh produce. We picked up some tomatoes, cucumbers, and corn. I couldn't help myself as soon as I got home I had to make a ear of corn. It only takes like 5 min on top of the stove but it seemed like so much more. I swear I was drooling by the time I got it to my plate, buttered, salted, and finally in my mouth. Corn is absolutely my favorite veggie and I was in corn heaven. MMMMMmmmmmm MMMMMMmmmmmmm Good.
We hung out at home for a bit, then we decided to head to the school so the boys could play some football in the field. I took my new camera and got some great pics of my men. I feel so blessed to have all three of them. It was muggy and sticky but theres nothing sweeter than seeing the man you love teach the two little men you love how to do something.
Donte Jr. He is always so happy.
Donte Jr. and Diggy
Murphy after he got fresh and so clean.
Golden Yumminess
My three men
Father and son. I love this picture.
He looks so tiny compared to that big 'ol ball.
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