I finally have some spare time today. The boys and I are off and just having one of those lazy days. Its FREEZING outside 34 degrees to be exact. We are still in our PJ's and enjoying every moment of it. The boys are down the hall playing and I am back in bed under my down comforter "catching" up on the 1001 tasks that I have been neglecting.......ummmm yes this blog is one of those tasks. So lets see what have we been up too.
The boys got their report cards last week and I am happy to report that Daniel got straight A's and Donnie got 2 B's and the rest A's. I am so proud of my little men. They have phenomenal teachers and the school is great!! It's such a difference from any school that they have gone to before. Remember that there is only a handful of military around here so essentially we are in the civilian world and I love it. They have so many resources at their finger tips. The teachers are the greatest asset. What a great group of people. I am so blessed to work with them.
We are gearing up for ATC. We will be gone for about 5 days. I am looking forward to this in a strange way. I will keep you posted.
Halloween was a blast. I am so used to trick or treating at around 6 but here it starts at 4.....It was strange to do it all with the sun shining on you but it was chilly and I was glad to go in when it was all said and done. This year the boys wanted to be scary. I miss my little pea in the pod and rubber ducky. They grow up so fast. They did ride their scooters though. I am dreading the day that they say "I'm too old to trick or treat" although I do realize that it is coming up fast.
Along with the cold weather comes comfort food. Yup tis the season to eat right? Well I have been working out and changing my habits. I have lost 40 lbs and am enjoying life so much more. I still eat the same things but in a different way. I am still sticking to it and plan to through the holidays. It's just harder because I am cooking so many sinful delights for everyone else. I made an awesome pot of homemade chicken and dumplings the night before last....ummmm ummmmm good. I froze some of the broth before I thickened it so if one of us gets sick we can have some good wholesome soup. I am going to bake cookies with the boys today as soon as I get up and get us bundled up enough to go to the store and get all the ingredients. I do love to cook and am so glad that I have the schedule that allows me to do so again. Not only does cooking act as a stress reliever for me but we are eating so much better than we were. I don't care what anyone says eating out is just plain bad to do when you are doing it all the time. We go about once a week. I should start posting my recipes.....let me know if you want me to. Most of the things that I make are from scratch but none are very hard to do.
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