He's no so much a baby anymore but to me he will always be my sweet darling Chubba Bubba. You couldn't tell now back when he was just a little pip squeak he was chubby little thing. He will be 8 in 10 days. It's hard for me to wrap my mind around it, that he no longer needs me to kiss his boo boos and pick out his clothes....where do they get off doing all that growing up. INDEPENDENT has a whole new meaning when it's your child wanting to be free of you. OK so hes not wanting to be completely free of me just a little bit free of me. Is there any difference in that last sentence??? Oh well, on with my story. As I said before I work in the Front Office of the boys elementary school. I have two co-workers that sit in the same area as I do. I have mention L before, she is sweet and kind and just a good soul. A is a hoot, I love her, shes funny and could literally juggle a boatload of monkeys on her toes. A also has a jar on her desk.....C....A.......N.......D.........Y. Why oh why. I asked her to put fat free taste nasty candy in there but she aims to please the chocolate lovers and jolly rancher lovers in the world. This would include both of my kids. Now there are rules in a school and one of the rules state that when you walk in the hallways you have to be quiet. So as I sit at my desk plugging away on the computer I notice that it's time for my little one to come in from recess. I see his class coming in and there he is. L points him out and by the look on his face I could tell that he was up to something. I don't know why but when your a Mom you learn to read the slightest looks and hone in on them like a sniper with a target. He is smiling just a bit too wide and his eyes are dancing a jig. I take a deep breathe and brace myself.....meanwhile all the kids are very quietly walking back to the classroom and then Daniel walks in front of the office door and God bless him he just couldn't hold it in....."MOM AFTER SCHOOL CAN I HAVE A PIECE OF CANDY OFF OF MS. A'S DESK?" with that I put my finger to my lips and stifle my laughter which is more than I can say for L and A who laughed out loud. Thank goodness he has a great teacher who understands that kids just sometimes have to be kids.
My little CHUBBA BUBBA...don't you just want to cuddle that sweet angel of a baby?

There he is a few weeks ago in the white shirt, at Six Flags leaving poor Mom behind. At least he looked back to make sure I was in his sights.
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