Well Donte left last Thursday....yes as in 4 days ago and guess what.......the saying is true. If anything will go wrong it will when he is gone. First Donnie cut a nice chunck out of his heel playing outside with no shoes on....I am adament about them wearing shoes outside and the one time I let him run out it happens, anyway some neosporin and a waterproof bandaid and it is healing nicely.....well then tonight I am cleaning the kitchen and I hear a thud....mind you there was no screams or anything so I holler up " are you OK?" I get the response "ummmmm not really" So I do the full sprint up the stairs and Daniel has busted his chin on the bathtub....OMG I want to flip!!! But I take a deep breath and look under his chin and even I know OK stitches are coming. I call Deb (Jordans Mom, and nurse at Cape Fear) and take him over. She cleans him up and uses the steri strip things and assures me that he should be fine in a few days..... I should have asked her for a nice shot of something to calm my nerves because I was shaking but trying to stay calm as not to scare Daniel....who is thinking that its just a scrape. You better believe that I explained that it wasn't just a scratch and that he better not pick at it. But alas all is calm I have two tired boys asleep in my bed and I am soon to follow.
Where did Donte leave to?
Oh my goodness! Anyone who has boys has to laugh about what you wrote. I swear it sounds like you were with me when James and Dante' did something very similar many years ago and I reacted exactly the same way.
Hope Donte gets home quickly and safely.
Hey, this is your Mom.
I am waiting for the picures of my two grandchildren, and also more news on the blog!. Love you guys, Mom
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