Well I know its been forever again. Our Cat Mali is gone and I was/am very upset about it. I had told Donte that I was going to make her an appt to see the vet on thursday because she was breathing very heavily and on Friday she got out and never came back. She would venture out every once in awhile but never out of the yard. We posted fliers and the whole neighborhood searched but no Mali to be found.
Other than that the boys are doing great, playing soccer and growing by leaps and bounds. They amaze me how fast they grow and how sweet they really are.
We went to see the Broadway Musical LION KING last weekend and it was amazing to say the least. I was in awe of it all and if I could would go at least once a week. The boys and Donte enjoyed it as well. My friend Chris (Christine)and I are going to see CATS on the 18th. I love the theater and wish that I would have started going earlier.
Well I better get going.....boys have a game tomorrow and I am ready to hit the sack.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Monday, September 11, 2006
For Yvonne
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your Blog (Please include the book and author) along with these instructions.
5. Don’t you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest.
6. Tag five people.
A Million Little pieces, James Frey
That okay with you, Kid?
He stands, picks up his tray.
OK not the best bit of info but there it is. I am currently reading a book on the holocaust and dont want to skip to 123 so when I get there I will let you know.
We remember....9-11.....Never forgotten!!
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your Blog (Please include the book and author) along with these instructions.
5. Don’t you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest.
6. Tag five people.
A Million Little pieces, James Frey
That okay with you, Kid?
He stands, picks up his tray.
OK not the best bit of info but there it is. I am currently reading a book on the holocaust and dont want to skip to 123 so when I get there I will let you know.
We remember....9-11.....Never forgotten!!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Been awhile........
Ok so I've been slacking on the blog but heres a quick update......@ weeks ago Donte and celebrated our 10 year anniversary. We spent a great weekend in Greensboro at the Embassy suites as the boys had a blast with thier Uncle Wayne and God Brothers. The boys started school last week and so far so good. Both teachers seem to be great especially Donnies. She is so organized!!! Trust me its a nice change from the last two years. My birthday was on the 30th and I turned 31......It was a good day but blew by way to fast. Donte is home for the weekend again....They seem to fly by as well. ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNND we have a new addition, a final addition to our family meet Jackson Slade, Jack for short.
Here's a pic of the boys on their first day of school.

Heres max and Jack on the night we got him, also the same night that Ernesto decided that NC would be nice for him to blow through.

Here's the itty bitty baby fast asleep. See the serving spoon....he's still tiny.
Here's a pic of the boys on their first day of school.

Heres max and Jack on the night we got him, also the same night that Ernesto decided that NC would be nice for him to blow through.

Here's the itty bitty baby fast asleep. See the serving spoon....he's still tiny.

Sunday, August 06, 2006
Quick Weekend
Well Donte was able to come home for the weekend. The boys swore that they were going to stay up all night and wait for him but they were fast asleep by ten. Donte got home a little after 10 and tried to wake them but they were fast asleep.....that good sleep. Saturday we went to Raliegh to do a little tax free shopping....the mall was so packed, you could barely navigate and we both had the death grip on the boys. But as a plus we ate at the cheesecake factory and we didnt even have to wait that long. Today we just lounged around. We were all dreading the 1pm mark because thats what time he had to leave for his 4 hour trip back to GA. Sooooooooooooooo the boys and I are preparing for a bday party that is in Fayetteville......I wish that it were closer. But on the plus side all the laundry is done our clothes are ready for tomorrow and we are looking forward to a quick week so we can either go see Donte or he can come home.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Angie tagged my today (I secretly love this stuff....but shhhhh dont tell)
Five things in my purse
1. my ipod
2. neosporin and bandaids
3. blistex
4. my JSOC badge...so I wont forget it
5. my cell
Five things in my refrigerator
1. danimals
2. zesty italian
3. diet pepsi with lime
4. jalapeno jack cheese
5. chocolate
Five things in my closet
1. clothes
2. shoes
3. purses
4. I have my wedding dress too Wonder why I keep it hanging there....
5. belts
Five things in my car (I could make this list really long)
1. cell charger
2. map
3. cd's
4. ipod transmitter
5. and evrything that a 6 and 8 year old can cram in
I tag
Nealisms and Melody
Five things in my purse
1. my ipod
2. neosporin and bandaids
3. blistex
4. my JSOC badge...so I wont forget it
5. my cell
Five things in my refrigerator
1. danimals
2. zesty italian
3. diet pepsi with lime
4. jalapeno jack cheese
5. chocolate
Five things in my closet
1. clothes
2. shoes
3. purses
4. I have my wedding dress too Wonder why I keep it hanging there....
5. belts
Five things in my car (I could make this list really long)
1. cell charger
2. map
3. cd's
4. ipod transmitter
5. and evrything that a 6 and 8 year old can cram in
I tag
Nealisms and Melody
Monday, July 24, 2006
Another Monday
Well Daniels chin has healed and Donnies foot is coming along fine as well. We are just going through withdrawls. Donte withdrawls. He is actually out in the field and cant call at all for two weeks. Even when he was in Iraq I got a call just about everyday, and we got to webcam as well. Oh well just gotta stick it out what else is there to do. The boys are busy as ever, we had a birthday party last Saturday and we have one this Thursday and Saturday as well. I was kinda surprised that a 6 year old would be having a birthday on a Thursday night at 6.........oh well what do you do.
I talked to Jeanine tonight for awhile, she is actually my oldest friend....ever since 7th grade. We had quite a few laughs. I sure do wish that she lived closer.....
Well its past my bedtime so I better run. Hope you all have a great week.
Mel Im gonna call I swear.... :)
I talked to Jeanine tonight for awhile, she is actually my oldest friend....ever since 7th grade. We had quite a few laughs. I sure do wish that she lived closer.....
Well its past my bedtime so I better run. Hope you all have a great week.
Mel Im gonna call I swear.... :)
Sunday, July 16, 2006
It's true what they say.

Well Donte left last Thursday....yes as in 4 days ago and guess what.......the saying is true. If anything will go wrong it will when he is gone. First Donnie cut a nice chunck out of his heel playing outside with no shoes on....I am adament about them wearing shoes outside and the one time I let him run out it happens, anyway some neosporin and a waterproof bandaid and it is healing nicely.....well then tonight I am cleaning the kitchen and I hear a thud....mind you there was no screams or anything so I holler up " are you OK?" I get the response "ummmmm not really" So I do the full sprint up the stairs and Daniel has busted his chin on the bathtub....OMG I want to flip!!! But I take a deep breath and look under his chin and even I know OK stitches are coming. I call Deb (Jordans Mom, and nurse at Cape Fear) and take him over. She cleans him up and uses the steri strip things and assures me that he should be fine in a few days..... I should have asked her for a nice shot of something to calm my nerves because I was shaking but trying to stay calm as not to scare Daniel....who is thinking that its just a scrape. You better believe that I explained that it wasn't just a scratch and that he better not pick at it. But alas all is calm I have two tired boys asleep in my bed and I am soon to follow.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Its been a long time.....
Somehow time always seems to fly. A couple of days turns into a week and then two. You all know what I am trying to say. Lets see....where do I begin. We went and saw my brother for the fourth of July. We went Go Kart racing LOL....the boys had a BLAST to say the least. We also let Max meet his cousins...Simon and Hank known as big and bigger. I had to go to work for three day but then took the week off. Donte's best friend and boys came from Greensboro and then we went and stayed there for a few days. It was really nice just to relax. Wayne busted out the old pictures and lets just say when I get my copies I will plenty of blackmail power hehehehehe. Wednesday we took the boys and Donnies Best Friend Jordan to the Museum of Natural Science in Raliegh. It was great fun and the boys had a blast. We ended the day with some shopping at Crab Tree Mall and dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. Donte left Thursday for School and has settled in. Hopefully he will be able to come home in a few weeks for the weekend and he will be home for good on Nov 7. I know this seems rushed but it's all I have time for. I will post more as soon as I get the chance
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Summer Vacation
I remember when those two words meant 3 lazy, fun filled months of doing absolutly nothing that had to do with school. Now however that means 1 week of cramming everything in that you want, have to, and dont really want to do. I am not sure of what we are going to be up to but I do know that the count down has begun.......11 days to go.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Baseball Banquet
Well the baseball season is thru. We came in undefeated and the Western Harnett National League Champions. Unfortunatly we lost the tournament in the end but we had a GREAT season and got to know a super bunch of kids and parents. Our banquet was at CiCi's Pizza and was a blast. Here are a few pictures.

Monday, June 19, 2006
New addition to our family
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Happy Fathers Day
Happy Fathers Day to all the papa's out there!!! We hope that your day was as great as ours!!!!
What a busy weekend.....I know I need to post more but time goes by so fast. Here's a quick update.....the boys play their first tournament game on wed...WOOOOOOHOOOOO We are so very proud of all the kids on our team especially our two rugrats. Don't will be leaving again for 4 months.....but should be able to come home on the weekend now and then all the joys........you never really get used to it you just learn how to handle it better. So back to auto pilot I go. The boys are also officially 2nd and 3rd graders.....Donte (Jr) will have the EOG in the 3rd grade....he is already talking about them!!! Mom and Dad are good. Mom is healing well and Dad is very glad to have her back home. Our fat cat is doing well on her diet...for those of you who don't know our cat is a bit chubby so shes on a diet lets just say she can get up and down those stairs easier now. All is well with me except for the fact that I cant seem to get a minute in edge wise bt don't worry I have a week off in July woooooohooooooo!!
Have a great week!!!
What a busy weekend.....I know I need to post more but time goes by so fast. Here's a quick update.....the boys play their first tournament game on wed...WOOOOOOHOOOOO We are so very proud of all the kids on our team especially our two rugrats. Don't will be leaving again for 4 months.....but should be able to come home on the weekend now and then all the joys........you never really get used to it you just learn how to handle it better. So back to auto pilot I go. The boys are also officially 2nd and 3rd graders.....Donte (Jr) will have the EOG in the 3rd grade....he is already talking about them!!! Mom and Dad are good. Mom is healing well and Dad is very glad to have her back home. Our fat cat is doing well on her diet...for those of you who don't know our cat is a bit chubby so shes on a diet lets just say she can get up and down those stairs easier now. All is well with me except for the fact that I cant seem to get a minute in edge wise bt don't worry I have a week off in July woooooohooooooo!!
Have a great week!!!
Friday, June 09, 2006
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Visit to GA
We had a blast over the Memorial Day weekend. We went to GA to see my Brother, his girlfriend, and Melody's family. Mel's little baby boy (not such a baby) graduated from high school. Well I guess I should start from the beginning. Friday night the boys had a baseball game. It couldn't be a regular 6:15 game nooooooooooo it was a 7:15 game meaning that we couldn't even start the treck to GA until 9 PM. Well the game was great the boys had a blast and they won. I have become the score taker. I have to admit that I like to do it, even though this is the first time in my life I have ever done it and I think I'm pretty good at it. So anyway back to the story we left at 9pm and got to Adams house at 2 AM. Got up at 6:30 AM and made it to the football field on time. A part of me was nostalgic because it's the same field that I graduated on 13 years ago, that you could see the church that Donte and I got married in almost 10 years ago. I also saw a few old teachers and friends. We located Melody and her family and got cozy on the bleachers....now I say cozy but it was HOT but at least every once in awhile there was a breeze. It was like looking into the future a bit when her son's name was called.....I will need her there when the boys graduate....no one can whistle like her....you have to hear it to believe it. The graduation went well and all of us; Donte, the boys, Adam, Chrissy, and myself went to Melody's for a BBQ. It was really nice. Donte and Hank were like old war buddies reminicing and swapping stories. You know how guys get. Anyway it was a great day. Donte, Adam and the boys spent a majority of the rest of the weekend installing a stereo system in the truck and Chrissy and I did some shopping. As most weekends it went by way to fast.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Baghdad ER
Tonight Donte and I finally got a chance to watch Baghdad ER. I had TIVOed it but wanted to watch it with him. I have to admit that I was a bit scared, I know that this is the life that our men and women live everyday. I thought that it was a pretty honest look, I remember the incident at the PX, Donte was there when it happened.......I thank God that I have my soldier home and I pray dearly for everyone that has family and friends there, especially my military girlfriends that have their hubbies there. I say a prayer and a huge THANK YOU to all of those same girlfriends that have lost their loved one. Of Course this show coincides with the Army Times that has the pictures of the fallen soldiers. As I leafed thru Donte said "Pena's in there". When Donte was Deployed Pena was killed. I remember hearing it and feeling numb, I remember Melody telling me and it was like she was talking to me through a long tunnel, and I remember thinking how am I going to tell Nikky as her hubby was so very close to him. I thought of his wife, kids, and family, and finally I thought of the night that Blangger and pena came to the house and ate up all the hot wings and I smiled through the tears. I hope that eventually we can all smile through the tears.">
Thursday, May 18, 2006
What a Week .....it's only Thursday
This week has seemed to go on forever......My Mom had surgery on both her knee's (shes outta the hospital now, Thank God that it all turned out well)I tend to not verbalize much on the things that for lack of better words SCARE THE SH!T out of me. But all is good now. I went on Daniels field trip yesterday to the Fire Department and had a blast. 1st graders are so much fun and sooooooooo funny. Then of coure I had to go back to work today....and lo and behold it was moving day. We have been in temp offices and have finally moved to our perm offices. Well lets just say I HATE MOVING!! Office or home it's a pain but oh well tomorrow cant get here fast enough!!!!
Here's a few pics of the field trip.

Here's a few pics of the field trip.

Thursday, May 11, 2006
That's what friends are for.
One of my friends passed this along to me and it brought a smile to my face. I had to clean it up but the message is there.
The difference between FAKE friends and REAL friends
FAKE FRIENDS: Never ask for food.
REAL FRIENDS: Are the reason you have no food.
FAKE FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr/Mrs
REAL FRIENDS: Call your parents DAD/MOM
FAKE FRIENDS: bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong.
REAL FRIENDS: Would sit next to you sayin "Damn ... we messed up ... but that crap was fun!"
FAKE FRIENDS: never seen you cry.
REAL FRIENDS: cry with you
FAKE FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back.
REAL FRIENDS: keep your shit so long they forget its yours.
FAKE FRIENDS: know a few things about you.
REAL FRIENDS: Could write a book about you with direct quotes from you.
FAKE FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing.
REAL FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds ass that left you.
FAKE FRIENDS: Would knock on your front door.
REAL FRIENDS: Walk right in and say "I'M HOME!"
FAKE FRIENDS: Are for awhile.
REAL FRIENDS: Are for life.
FAKE FRIENDS: Will take your drink away when they think you've had enough.
REAL FRIENDS: Will look at you stumbling all over the place and say "drink the rest of that you know we don't waste."
FAKE FRIENDS: will talk crap to the person who talks crap about you.
REAL FRIENDS: Will knock them the heck out
The difference between FAKE friends and REAL friends
FAKE FRIENDS: Never ask for food.
REAL FRIENDS: Are the reason you have no food.
FAKE FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr/Mrs
REAL FRIENDS: Call your parents DAD/MOM
FAKE FRIENDS: bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong.
REAL FRIENDS: Would sit next to you sayin "Damn ... we messed up ... but that crap was fun!"
FAKE FRIENDS: never seen you cry.
REAL FRIENDS: cry with you
FAKE FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back.
REAL FRIENDS: keep your shit so long they forget its yours.
FAKE FRIENDS: know a few things about you.
REAL FRIENDS: Could write a book about you with direct quotes from you.
FAKE FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing.
REAL FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds ass that left you.
FAKE FRIENDS: Would knock on your front door.
REAL FRIENDS: Walk right in and say "I'M HOME!"
FAKE FRIENDS: Are for awhile.
REAL FRIENDS: Are for life.
FAKE FRIENDS: Will take your drink away when they think you've had enough.
REAL FRIENDS: Will look at you stumbling all over the place and say "drink the rest of that you know we don't waste."
FAKE FRIENDS: will talk crap to the person who talks crap about you.
REAL FRIENDS: Will knock them the heck out
Monday, May 08, 2006
How To Get Two School Age Boys To Sleep!!
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Recent Pictures
OK so I am 30, but still getting in trouble for not sending/posting pictures. So I just took some pictures of us. It's raining outside and pretty nasty so we are still in our PJ's hanging around the house.
Here's Donnie Hanging out in his room.

Daniel playing around in Donnies room

Donte fast asleep.....

Half of our back yard...soaked in rain....can't it wait until we are at work to rain????

I debated posting this but what the heck....me in my morning glory...no makeup and hair unbrushed.....ENJOY..LOL
Here's Donnie Hanging out in his room.

Daniel playing around in Donnies room

Donte fast asleep.....

Half of our back yard...soaked in rain....can't it wait until we are at work to rain????

I debated posting this but what the heck....me in my morning glory...no makeup and hair unbrushed.....ENJOY..LOL

Tuesday, May 02, 2006
I did it, I learned how to add links.....hehehe I have to admit that I went to help and copied and pasted. Anyway I am happy......
Monday, May 01, 2006
It's Only Monday
It seems to me that the weekends blow by and the work week seems to take forever. I love my weekends, truly LOVE the weekends. This past weekend Donte and I had a date night since the boys were busy at a sleepover. Saturday morning we woke up and picked the boys up and went straight to the Strawberry farm. It was so much fun!!! I am all for 3 day weekends and four day workweeks.............all in favor say I! Well it's Monday and we are running around full speed ahead.....off to Baseball practice we go.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
After posting Dontes tatoo I have gotten a lot of traffic on where's the picture of mine?.......well I have to admit it....I AM A CHICKEN!!!! BOCK BOCK!! I was there when Donte got his and he did fine, the three of us, the artist, Donte, and I had a great conversation about Germany and a slew of other topics. Donte seemed to enjoy it actually. Maybe one day I will build up the courage but for now I am scaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrred.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
One of my girlfriends had this on her site and wow this letter to the stars and stripes blew me away!! Good for her for bringing a voice to all of us that have been thinking it. She is a Marine spouse but this applies to all services!!!!
Give spouses more credit
Ugh, if I read one more letter belittling military spouses, I’m going to scream.
I’m so sick of hearing that caveman mentality quote of “If the Corps wanted you to have a wife/family, they would have issued you one.” What a slap in the face to those of us who have supported our loved one’s career, have dealt with numerous moves, even more deployments, raised our children alone and still manage to love the service our spouse serves. I’m not complaining, because this is what I chose — but no matter our choice, we still deserve respect.
I’ve been a military dependent almost my entire life, so that means two things: I knew exactly what I was getting into and I have earned the right to enlighten you ignorant folks about the life of a military spouse. So for those of you who don’t know, the wives don’t turn into Polly Pornstar when our husbands deploy, nor do we have a secret calendar counting down to Year 10 and Day 1 of their time in the Corps just so we can be entitled to half of their retirement. Usually we turn into supermom and are using the calendar for useful things, such as remembering which kid has an upcoming doctor’s appointment.
So the next time one of you single Marines starts to grumble about “those damn wives” who are on the gym treadmill or are whining about another holiday duty (and, for the record, married Marines pull Christmas duty too), remember that we feel the same way. Like when the base is locked down and a curfew is issued because a Marine assaulted or vandalized another Okinawan or their property while on a drunken spree. Or one of you messed up and the whole office is kept after hours.
We open our homes to you on holidays, offer you rides, sometimes even a place to sleep, and I’ve fed so many of you I should start accepting meal cards.
So when you return from deployment and find a goody bag containing cookies and phone cards, then climb into a bed with fresh sheets, remember to thank a spouse. Because while she was raising her children, running her house and worrying about her deployed husband, she still found time to think of you.
Was I issued? No, but I should have been. Spouses like me are the single greatest “pieces of gear” a Marine will ever have.
Erin M. Pacheco
Give spouses more credit
Ugh, if I read one more letter belittling military spouses, I’m going to scream.
I’m so sick of hearing that caveman mentality quote of “If the Corps wanted you to have a wife/family, they would have issued you one.” What a slap in the face to those of us who have supported our loved one’s career, have dealt with numerous moves, even more deployments, raised our children alone and still manage to love the service our spouse serves. I’m not complaining, because this is what I chose — but no matter our choice, we still deserve respect.
I’ve been a military dependent almost my entire life, so that means two things: I knew exactly what I was getting into and I have earned the right to enlighten you ignorant folks about the life of a military spouse. So for those of you who don’t know, the wives don’t turn into Polly Pornstar when our husbands deploy, nor do we have a secret calendar counting down to Year 10 and Day 1 of their time in the Corps just so we can be entitled to half of their retirement. Usually we turn into supermom and are using the calendar for useful things, such as remembering which kid has an upcoming doctor’s appointment.
So the next time one of you single Marines starts to grumble about “those damn wives” who are on the gym treadmill or are whining about another holiday duty (and, for the record, married Marines pull Christmas duty too), remember that we feel the same way. Like when the base is locked down and a curfew is issued because a Marine assaulted or vandalized another Okinawan or their property while on a drunken spree. Or one of you messed up and the whole office is kept after hours.
We open our homes to you on holidays, offer you rides, sometimes even a place to sleep, and I’ve fed so many of you I should start accepting meal cards.
So when you return from deployment and find a goody bag containing cookies and phone cards, then climb into a bed with fresh sheets, remember to thank a spouse. Because while she was raising her children, running her house and worrying about her deployed husband, she still found time to think of you.
Was I issued? No, but I should have been. Spouses like me are the single greatest “pieces of gear” a Marine will ever have.
Erin M. Pacheco
Friday, April 21, 2006
A few pictures of us.
Here's Donte coaching the boys Basketball team. He is truly great with kids.

Donte Hanging out with his brother after the Fall Festival.

The day Donte got back from Iraq at Green Ramp. You can see the exhaustion and joy in his eyes.

Daniel wondering why I am taking pictures of him just laying on the couch.....Dont I know that he has to pose for the pics.

Donte and I right before we took him back to the airport after his two week R&R.

Donte Hanging out with his brother after the Fall Festival.

The day Donte got back from Iraq at Green Ramp. You can see the exhaustion and joy in his eyes.

Daniel wondering why I am taking pictures of him just laying on the couch.....Dont I know that he has to pose for the pics.

Donte and I right before we took him back to the airport after his two week R&R.

Ok I Know It's Been Awhile....
Well what can I say but "life is hectic" I had gotten on the blogger a few times here and there but couldn't really get started. I feel like I have done 1001 things since the last post and if I made a list I would probably overload my blog :).
I went on a field trip with Donnie to San-Lee park about a week and a half ago. I was told that there would be paddle boats and swings and a wildlife center that we would explore. Donnie has two buddies in class that he is close with, Jordan a fun loving old soul (I swear he's Eight on the outside and 55 on the inside) and Yvonne, One of the sweetest little girls I have ever met. Well Deb (Jordans Mom) and Yvonnes Grandma were going as well so we all decided to car pool. I had never met Yvonnes Grandma and was a bit nervous because she speaks no English at all just Italian...but my reasoning was well she should know some German or French....WRONG!!! but we made do and she was a lot of fun. Anyway I met her and Deb at the principals office and we were off to the park. Mind you I didn't for once think that I needed to dress like I was going on a camping trip. I wore Jeans a blouse and some slip on sneakers. Well the classes were split into groups and they proceeded to tell us that we would be doing the nature walk first (still no alarm going off) Well we get to the lake that has this old wooden bridge an I see a sign that says "DON'T FEED THE TICKS"....are they being funny? Well....No....they weren't....We start on the trail and we walk up and down and all around through it all. There was a point that the there were so many leaves on the ground that people were slipping and sliding like they were on ice.....now remember I have my slip on sneakers on and am pretty sure that if anyone is gonna fall in the middle of the woods its gonna be me. So we walk, and walk, and walk...............what seemes like 10 hours later we make it back to civilization and its lunch time. By the time we get there all the other kids are sitting and eating. There are about six tables full of overly excited eight year olds and another table with teachers and parents.....well to be honest the teachers are nice and so are the other parents but I really wanted to sit with Donnie but at the same time held back from saying anything because I didn't want to make him feel like he was obligated to sit with me. So we went and got our lunches and Donnie says "come on Mom there's an empty table over there (you guys know that I was beaming from head to toe)Deb and Jordan Joined us as did Yvonnes Grandma and a few other kids and parents. The rest of the day was spent learning about animals and plants and all the fun stuff....they even had a display of live snakes that they had caught there.....they were lucky that I didn't know that before the hike....Donnie and I wouldn't have gone on the hike we would have been swinging on the playground. Well anyway it really touched my heart that my big boy still has a soft spot for his Mom.
Big Donte ran track all this week and is feeling mighty young. He won 2nd place in the 100 His best time was 9.75 and his relay team won the Gold. The boys had a blast sitting on the back of his truck cheering him on. My friend Tracy brought Baby Taylor and came out there one day too so Donte had his own personal cheering squad.
You see North Carolina has its good and bad, there's nothing like sitting on the back of a truck with the sun beating down cheering and acting like you are 18 again but on the flip side I could do without the snakes and all the buuuuuuuuuuuuugs.
I went on a field trip with Donnie to San-Lee park about a week and a half ago. I was told that there would be paddle boats and swings and a wildlife center that we would explore. Donnie has two buddies in class that he is close with, Jordan a fun loving old soul (I swear he's Eight on the outside and 55 on the inside) and Yvonne, One of the sweetest little girls I have ever met. Well Deb (Jordans Mom) and Yvonnes Grandma were going as well so we all decided to car pool. I had never met Yvonnes Grandma and was a bit nervous because she speaks no English at all just Italian...but my reasoning was well she should know some German or French....WRONG!!! but we made do and she was a lot of fun. Anyway I met her and Deb at the principals office and we were off to the park. Mind you I didn't for once think that I needed to dress like I was going on a camping trip. I wore Jeans a blouse and some slip on sneakers. Well the classes were split into groups and they proceeded to tell us that we would be doing the nature walk first (still no alarm going off) Well we get to the lake that has this old wooden bridge an I see a sign that says "DON'T FEED THE TICKS"....are they being funny? Well....No....they weren't....We start on the trail and we walk up and down and all around through it all. There was a point that the there were so many leaves on the ground that people were slipping and sliding like they were on ice.....now remember I have my slip on sneakers on and am pretty sure that if anyone is gonna fall in the middle of the woods its gonna be me. So we walk, and walk, and walk...............what seemes like 10 hours later we make it back to civilization and its lunch time. By the time we get there all the other kids are sitting and eating. There are about six tables full of overly excited eight year olds and another table with teachers and parents.....well to be honest the teachers are nice and so are the other parents but I really wanted to sit with Donnie but at the same time held back from saying anything because I didn't want to make him feel like he was obligated to sit with me. So we went and got our lunches and Donnie says "come on Mom there's an empty table over there (you guys know that I was beaming from head to toe)Deb and Jordan Joined us as did Yvonnes Grandma and a few other kids and parents. The rest of the day was spent learning about animals and plants and all the fun stuff....they even had a display of live snakes that they had caught there.....they were lucky that I didn't know that before the hike....Donnie and I wouldn't have gone on the hike we would have been swinging on the playground. Well anyway it really touched my heart that my big boy still has a soft spot for his Mom.
Big Donte ran track all this week and is feeling mighty young. He won 2nd place in the 100 His best time was 9.75 and his relay team won the Gold. The boys had a blast sitting on the back of his truck cheering him on. My friend Tracy brought Baby Taylor and came out there one day too so Donte had his own personal cheering squad.
You see North Carolina has its good and bad, there's nothing like sitting on the back of a truck with the sun beating down cheering and acting like you are 18 again but on the flip side I could do without the snakes and all the buuuuuuuuuuuuugs.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
???? Still trying to figure it all out.
OK....I tried to post the translate my page thing days ago and I kept getting a message saying that the font was not right. So I figured I had tried it enough and that there would always be another time.....but lo and behold it posted yesterday. Vonn you will have to school me big time.......
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Check it out
Check it out and have a good laugh....
www.myYearbizzle-- Created by 2 high schoo` students ta kick myspace's ass |
Out with the girls.....
Last night was "girls night". We try to get out at least once a month to chat and laugh and catch up. Olive Garden seems to draw us like magnets....not really the main course but the salad and the breadsticks and now thanks to Lydia we tried the alfredo dipping sauce for the breadsticks and are addicted to that too. Unfortunately we had the worst waiter in the town of Fayetteville. He kept saying the dipping sauce is extra and I will have to charge it....NO you don't say...but Vokie got him good. You see Vokie is the kindest most loving person. She is genuine in everything that she does but if you mess with her food she will have to put you in your place. Anyway the night was good and I was able to get a glass of peach Sangria.......I love that stuff.
Speaking about girls I have to admit that I am hooked on the simple life.....I know, I know I should have better stuff to watch or do but it cracks me up. Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie keep Donte and I in stitches......are people really that clueless? I am sure that most of it is made up but if you ever need a good laugh tune in.
I was surprised that so many people checked out our blog...but I am so happy that I have found a way to keep in touch with all of you. However I am still clueless about spiffing this blog up but I swear I will get it one day.......hehehe when I can get Angie or Yvonne online.
Hope you all have a great weekend. :)
Speaking about girls I have to admit that I am hooked on the simple life.....I know, I know I should have better stuff to watch or do but it cracks me up. Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie keep Donte and I in stitches......are people really that clueless? I am sure that most of it is made up but if you ever need a good laugh tune in.
I was surprised that so many people checked out our blog...but I am so happy that I have found a way to keep in touch with all of you. However I am still clueless about spiffing this blog up but I swear I will get it one day.......hehehe when I can get Angie or Yvonne online.
Hope you all have a great weekend. :)
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Kids say the darndest things.
For all of you who know my boys you know that Donnie is my calm, wise son and that Daniel is my free spirit who can never sit still. It's funny how two kids that come from the same two people can be night and day. Sunday night was awful in NC, the rain was pelting down, the winds were strong and it seemed like the house would blow away. Well Bedtime was coming up and the boys were getting ready for bed. Even though Daniel is the tough spitfire that he is, he loathes the dark and doesn't care for the thunder and lightning on top of having to turn the lights off. So I try to let him handle it and holler down the hallway that it's time for bed, Mommy will be there in 5 min to give kisses and say prayers. Then the conversation began, it went kinda like this......
Daniel says "Donnie you can sleep with me"
Donnie sys "I wanna sleep in my room stop being a chicken"
Daniel says "I'll buy you snack"
(yes I am trying not to bust out laughing)
Donnie says "Daniel QUIT!!!"
I decide time for Mommy to step in, so I say hey Donnie why don't you sleep in Daniels room tonight? I got the look and the shrug and the "OK Mom". Thank God for the child that helps his Mom.....Meanwhile Daniels breathing a HUGE sigh of relief. So I get them in Bed and give them kisses and assure them that the thunder is just God and his Angels bowling and that the lightning is the Angels looking for toys under their beds. As I pull the covers up ........BOOM a huge clap of thunder erupts, Daniel jumps his face is etched with fear and he states "GOD MUST HAVE GOT A STRIKE MOM" Donnie giggles and says yup and I smile and give them kisses.
Thank God for children for when you look through there eyes the world is a better place!!! I am so glad though that they compliment each other so well. I am also so very proud of them. They brought home their report cards yesterday and they got the equivalent of straight A's (k-2nd grade get 1,2 and 3's instead of A, B, and C's). You should have seen their faces....grinning like the Cheshire cat.
Daniel says "Donnie you can sleep with me"
Donnie sys "I wanna sleep in my room stop being a chicken"
Daniel says "I'll buy you snack"
(yes I am trying not to bust out laughing)
Donnie says "Daniel QUIT!!!"
I decide time for Mommy to step in, so I say hey Donnie why don't you sleep in Daniels room tonight? I got the look and the shrug and the "OK Mom". Thank God for the child that helps his Mom.....Meanwhile Daniels breathing a HUGE sigh of relief. So I get them in Bed and give them kisses and assure them that the thunder is just God and his Angels bowling and that the lightning is the Angels looking for toys under their beds. As I pull the covers up ........BOOM a huge clap of thunder erupts, Daniel jumps his face is etched with fear and he states "GOD MUST HAVE GOT A STRIKE MOM" Donnie giggles and says yup and I smile and give them kisses.
Thank God for children for when you look through there eyes the world is a better place!!! I am so glad though that they compliment each other so well. I am also so very proud of them. They brought home their report cards yesterday and they got the equivalent of straight A's (k-2nd grade get 1,2 and 3's instead of A, B, and C's). You should have seen their faces....grinning like the Cheshire cat.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Thanks you guys
Even though I got some really good advice I still cant figure how to add other blogs and the cool stuff. I will just have to wait and catch you guys online. I am sure that its one of those things that I will look at later and say "OOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooh I get it".......like I always do.
I talked to one of my closest friends Jeanine last night. She is stationed in Nebraska.......I know WAY to far away. You see we met when we were 11 and have been the closest of friends ever since. We were the only two flute players in beginning band in the 7th grade (spare me the "one time when I was in band camp") My Dad had orders for Fort Stewart and of course we moved from Germany over the Christmas holidays and she was one of the first people that I met. She moved away for a few years in High School and we lost touch except for one phone call.....dont ask me when or where but I remember that call. Then I show up for band camp and there she was. We picked up where we left off. Of course after Graduation she was off to college in Greenboro NC and I was off to college in GA as well. We kept in touch this time and have seen each other through the good times and bad. In fact I can honestly say that shes my sister, my soul friend and I just wanted her to know that I miss her and love her and that she NEEDS TO BRING HER YOU KNOW WHAT BACK TO THE EAST COAST!!!!!
I talked to one of my closest friends Jeanine last night. She is stationed in Nebraska.......I know WAY to far away. You see we met when we were 11 and have been the closest of friends ever since. We were the only two flute players in beginning band in the 7th grade (spare me the "one time when I was in band camp") My Dad had orders for Fort Stewart and of course we moved from Germany over the Christmas holidays and she was one of the first people that I met. She moved away for a few years in High School and we lost touch except for one phone call.....dont ask me when or where but I remember that call. Then I show up for band camp and there she was. We picked up where we left off. Of course after Graduation she was off to college in Greenboro NC and I was off to college in GA as well. We kept in touch this time and have seen each other through the good times and bad. In fact I can honestly say that shes my sister, my soul friend and I just wanted her to know that I miss her and love her and that she NEEDS TO BRING HER YOU KNOW WHAT BACK TO THE EAST COAST!!!!!
Monday, April 03, 2006
A little bit of help from my friends.....please :)

Ok so I'm not a computer smartie pants......enough said. After looking at numerous blogs this afternoon I decide to try and spiff mine up. First of all I need a manual!!! How do you add your friends blogs and the neat little banners and all the snappy stuff? I get how to post a pic (see left...heheh had to show you guys) but have no clue how to add a link. STOP LAUGHING Yvonne. Here's a pic of my two little men. This was taken last September....I just love it. Well this time change is kicking my butt so I am gonna run. Any help would be greatly appreciated.......
Sunday, April 02, 2006
HEHEHEHE......I feel like a kid. I really do. But now where do I start? We left Vilseck in 2003 and came to wonderful Fort Bragg. I remember when we got orders here I was ready to CRY!!! in the Ugly Cry sense. I had heard nothing but watch out for Fayettenam and it's the old Army there so watch your back. I was also nervous because Donte was switching from being a life long Tanker to Signal. Well we actually built a house in Sanford, about 20 minutes from Bragg and we LOVE it. Yes Bragg has it's bad points but it has its good points too. I actually have worked on Bragg since Dec of 2003. At first I thought that the 20 minute commute would kill me but it's really not that bad. I guess I was so spoiled in Vilseck I mean come on From where I lived to the CDC and then to ACS was probably less than 3 miles. I MISS THAT! I have a group of gals here to that were my life line for a lot of the deployment and we try to get together once a month to go to dinner...usually Olive Garden....that salad and breadsticks has us all addicted. I wish I could get you all in one place. I have told the girls here about the Bayrish Irish (Thank you Gabi and Boyd for taking me there on one of my last nights in Germany, I will never forget it.) Like I said I am horrible at keeping in touch but I remember everything :)
The boys are growing up fast...too fast. Donte (formerly known as Donnie until he informed us that his name was Donte) is in the second grade and Dannie is in the first. They are both doing great in school and love sports. Donte (Big one) is actually coaching their Baseball team with Tom (a friend of ours that is military too) we set it up like this incase one of them deploys or has duty the kids are taken care of. Jennifer (Toms wife) and I are like two giddy girls watching the men take charge. Donte often asks me "do you wanna coach?" and I had to bust out laughing while we were all out yesterday when Tom said the same thing to Jennifer. But you know how us wives are we are the planners, organizers.....medics :)
Gabi please tell BOYD a big CONGRATS on his retirement. I wish that we could have been there and we think of you guys often.
Gotta run Desperate Housewives is coming on and I cant miss it.
The boys are growing up fast...too fast. Donte (formerly known as Donnie until he informed us that his name was Donte) is in the second grade and Dannie is in the first. They are both doing great in school and love sports. Donte (Big one) is actually coaching their Baseball team with Tom (a friend of ours that is military too) we set it up like this incase one of them deploys or has duty the kids are taken care of. Jennifer (Toms wife) and I are like two giddy girls watching the men take charge. Donte often asks me "do you wanna coach?" and I had to bust out laughing while we were all out yesterday when Tom said the same thing to Jennifer. But you know how us wives are we are the planners, organizers.....medics :)
Gabi please tell BOYD a big CONGRATS on his retirement. I wish that we could have been there and we think of you guys often.
Gotta run Desperate Housewives is coming on and I cant miss it.
Getting on the Band Wagon
Ok so i decide to jump on the bandwagon and try this Blog thing out.....seemed so simple until I got to the Name your Blog. Are you Kidding me!!!! You all would be laughing hard at me if you knew how many times I had to delete and retype. I have to admit that I am addicted to reading my friends blogs and often get a good laugh and sometimes a good cry out of them. Angie, Congrats on Baby Fred, he is so adorable and Yvonne you always put a smile on my face. It seems like we are all so busy and that life is so hectic and I really hope that this is a good way for all of us to feel a little closer.....Not to mention that I totally SUCK at writing and emailing and all that good stuff so here goes
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