Tuesday, February 26, 2008
3 Surprises and a Nasty Bug
Surprise one started out with the boys and I rushing to the airport in Chicago. Now if you know my family you know that we travel A LOT...Planes used to excite the kids when they were little now its just a pain to them. The only people in my family that new about the surprise were Donte, my Dad, My Granny and my Uncle Maurice.....not even the boys new. They thought that we were going to the "city" for a long weekend. We boarded the plane and they soon figured out that we were going to fly to Baltimore. I must have heard "What's in Baltimore?" 100 times. I just kept saying "wait and see". When the plane landed they were about to explode. I looked at them calmly and said "Here's your surprise.....I flew you to Baltimore and now we are going to fly back to Chicago." The looks on their faces was priceless. Their little lips were saying "oooh thanks Mom" and their eyes were saying "are you kidding!" We deboarded and walked into the baggage claim. They were scanning the airport like FBI agents. Looking for a familiar face. They were looking so hard in the wrong direction that my Dad literally walked by them and stood behind them. I had them turn around and they jumped on Grandpa. They were so very happy to see him and Uncle Maurice. We then had to drive to Pennsylvania. A little after midnight we pulled up at my uncles house and snuck in through the garage. Mom and Granny were in the downstairs living room watching TV. The boys walked right up to her and she busted out in the biggest smile and there were kisses and hugs all around. We spent a great weekend there with our family and of course as all good times go it went by so very fast. The trip home was a bit bumpy because Chicago was hit by a winter storm....don't get me started. When we arrived home I felt a little icky but thought that it was just a little scratchiness of the throat....well lets just say I woke up this morning after a night of being totally sick...the boys and I all were up all night. I have been pumping us full of Robitussin and Tylenol and hopefully tomorrow we can get back to work and school. So theres two of the surprises. One for the boys one for Grandma. The third one is up to Donte so theres no telling when that will come to light. As for this Nasty Bug.....I can't wait to get rid of it!!!!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Well my husband is getting me back for making you all wait for my surprise. He told me that he got me a surprise...ooooooooh I love it......What is it? I ask. He replies with you will have to wait a couple of weeks until it comes in.......huh......what.......how dare he do that to me......make me wait......ugggg I can't stand it!!! I DONT LIKE TO WAIT!!! Now I know that I am making all of you wait....but that’s different. My friends are all very calm and collected....I AM NOT!!!! Ugggg I want to know. I must have asked him a million times what it was but he won’t tell me. He is not budging one inch. It's driving me completely nuts.
On to my surprise......you will all know in roughly a week. I'm busting at the seams and haven't really talked to anyone about it so it's driving me completely nuts too.
As for this weekend man it's been a crazy one. Friday night the boys had two friends spend the night. I got to bed pretty late and the boys were all up at the crack of dawn. The boys had a Soccer game and directly after that we had to go and get fitted for football helmets, pads, and all that good stuff. They start early here. We had to register early, and when I say early I mean early they don’t start practice until July. We ran and got something to eat after and then went directly to Jacobs birthday party. That was a blast the kids had a really good time and then it was off to L’s Pampered Chef party. I left the boys with Brian and the boys and Jenn went with me. After that it was a quick stop by Target and Starbucks….YUMMY YUMMY Raspberry Mocha with an extra shot of raspberry and extra whipped cream. Then it was back to Jenns. The boys and I got home around 9:30 – 10:00. Needless to say that it was a very long day and I really wanted to sleep in this morning but Mr. Murphy woke me up bright and early.
The weather man had said that we were in for 10 inched of snow today but it actually warmed up to 40 today. Almost all the snow is melted and there are floods all over the place. Our pond is overflowing and we have one loud duck that made his way back. The boys and I ran all of our errands today and are planning on a very lazy day tomorrow……..well I have to do the laundry but other than that a very lazy relaxing day.
On to my surprise......you will all know in roughly a week. I'm busting at the seams and haven't really talked to anyone about it so it's driving me completely nuts too.
As for this weekend man it's been a crazy one. Friday night the boys had two friends spend the night. I got to bed pretty late and the boys were all up at the crack of dawn. The boys had a Soccer game and directly after that we had to go and get fitted for football helmets, pads, and all that good stuff. They start early here. We had to register early, and when I say early I mean early they don’t start practice until July. We ran and got something to eat after and then went directly to Jacobs birthday party. That was a blast the kids had a really good time and then it was off to L’s Pampered Chef party. I left the boys with Brian and the boys and Jenn went with me. After that it was a quick stop by Target and Starbucks….YUMMY YUMMY Raspberry Mocha with an extra shot of raspberry and extra whipped cream. Then it was back to Jenns. The boys and I got home around 9:30 – 10:00. Needless to say that it was a very long day and I really wanted to sleep in this morning but Mr. Murphy woke me up bright and early.
The weather man had said that we were in for 10 inched of snow today but it actually warmed up to 40 today. Almost all the snow is melted and there are floods all over the place. Our pond is overflowing and we have one loud duck that made his way back. The boys and I ran all of our errands today and are planning on a very lazy day tomorrow……..well I have to do the laundry but other than that a very lazy relaxing day.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Heart Day
I hope you all have a great Valentines day!!!!! As for me and my two Valentines it's going to be a blast even though we are missing Donte.....we know that time is flying. So from our family to yours share the time with each other and enjoy every moment!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
78 Days to go
Wow we are in the 70's and counting down. Not much has been going on here. Just the everyday happenings. I did have a girls night out last Friday. I saw 27 dresses....I loved it. It was such a chic flick but hey I was so happy to see something that wasn't animated and didnt have super heros. The snow is still coming down hard and the days are pretty dreary. I miss the sunshine so much......I cant wait for spring time to come around!!!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
The Sun and The Wind
Do you remember that story? The one where the wind blows and blows trying to make the poor man take his coat off. The sun and the wind have a competition to see who can make the man take his coat off first. The wind starts to blow, getting stronger and stronger and this makes the man hold on to his coat and snuggle deeper into it. The sun smiles and starts to beam and the temp gets warmer and warmer and the man with a smile on his face takes his coat off......well here the sun and wind are having the same competition but with it being -4 the darn wind is winning. I for one am ready for the sun to be the winner. UUGGGGGGGG
For Yvonne........
.......who is so much like me when it comes to surprises. 16 days lady you will know in 16 days. I'm busting at the seems myself.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
OMG I didn't realize that it was starting tonight. WOOOOOOHOOOOOO with the writers’ strike and TV pretty much disappointing me lately I am beside myself. I certainly hope it's all it looks like it will be. It is the little things in life. On to another note I have a huge secret....NO I AM NOT PREGGO, NOT POSSIBLE.......but you will have to wait a couple of weeks. I don't know how I'm I am going to keep this secret but I gotta. I'm zipping my lips for now. OK I will give you a hint.....I had to take a day off of work. How’s that for a hint.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
85 Days
Boy oh boy what a day. For some reason today has just been busy. Work was great and we had some good laughs today but with the gym being a polling place it seemed really busy. Even though we were busy it was eerily calm. We are bracing for another storm tonight.....9 inches of snow was the last that I heard....sigh.... The boys are hoping for a snow day, I would be OK either way. I just really dont want to make up the days at the end of the year. Besides if we get a snow day I'd rather have a Friday or a Monday. Nothing like getting a nice long weekend. The boys are completely knocked out, since it is raining right now it's like they were lulled to sleep. They look so utterly content. I guess I better get to bed too....something tells me I am going to be waking up early tomorrow to do some shoveling...but I wonder with the rain first it's going to be a sheet of ice in the morning. Whats a girl to do?
Monday, February 04, 2008
What can I say but the weather here SUCKS. I have shoveled more snow since Donte left than I ever have in my whole entire life.....and what do I get for this.....the stupid street sweeper man that sends all the slush, dirt, and snow in a huge plume right back onto my driveway. To add salt to my wound the road is still a mess of caked on frozen ice and compacted snow!!! I basically iceskated to work in my car this morning. JR called the street people this morning from school and they told her well there was a lot of snow....ummmmmmm NO SHIT!!!! I am really fuming. Do you know how hard it is to shovel snow that has been rained on and refrozen into a lovely slushy mess? UUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGG We are under a severe thunderstorm watch for tonight and are due to get 6 inches tomorrow night......how I miss the south. Donte is wearing shorts and complaing that his room is warm because he has the windows open. If I click my heals together 3 times do you think it will get me there?
Sunday, February 03, 2008
87 Days
Well the boys and I are hanging out watching the Gameplan. I have to admit that it's a cute movie. I am getting ready to warm up the B-dubs and get ready for kick off. Daniel is busting at the seems. Both boys got plain T-Shirts and made their own Patriots shirts. Oh to be the lone women in a house full of men. I just hope that the commercials are well worth the hours of watching sweaty men run up and down the field. Here are some recent pictures.
Our house the morning of the snow day

Donnie playing outside in the snow

Dannie playing outside in the snow
Our house the morning of the snow day
Donnie playing outside in the snow

Dannie playing outside in the snow

Saturday, February 02, 2008
3 post in one day
I know it's a lot but had to post this. The boys and I are sitting in the livingroom and I'm tired so I say "lets go up" Daniel responds with "I'm not tired" and Donnie replies with "thats because your young" OMG HAHAHAHAHAHA I could have passed out from laughing so hard.
So this is some of what people google that gets linked to my blog.
slade playing at the rocks
recruiter's wife
mean tornado
pictures of pebbles or rocks
wife of an army recruiter
That brings me to the fact that I haven't been blogging about recruiting in a bit. I suppose that when Donte comes back from school I will get back to that. He is enjoying school and all the fun info that he is learning. USAREC is a million miles away. However it is very different living in a non military town with him being gone. For the most part it's the same.....just no one that really understands that I see on a day to day basis. Famous Daves dropped in to check on us and my co workers are great. My neighbors America and Reed are the greatest. They truly are the best neighbors ever. Some people try to kick you when you’re down, I can say that they are the type that bring you up and are always honest, gracious, and caring. I love them to pieces and am dreading this fall when they plan on leaving to head back to California.
slade playing at the rocks
recruiter's wife
mean tornado
pictures of pebbles or rocks
wife of an army recruiter
That brings me to the fact that I haven't been blogging about recruiting in a bit. I suppose that when Donte comes back from school I will get back to that. He is enjoying school and all the fun info that he is learning. USAREC is a million miles away. However it is very different living in a non military town with him being gone. For the most part it's the same.....just no one that really understands that I see on a day to day basis. Famous Daves dropped in to check on us and my co workers are great. My neighbors America and Reed are the greatest. They truly are the best neighbors ever. Some people try to kick you when you’re down, I can say that they are the type that bring you up and are always honest, gracious, and caring. I love them to pieces and am dreading this fall when they plan on leaving to head back to California.
Tooth Fairy
My kids are loosing teeth like there is no tomorrow. Daniel started off the streak a couple of weeks ago and Donte was soon to follow. I think he lost it either the day after or the 2nd day after Daniel lost his. Then he lost another one a few days later and today at their Soccer game I see Donnie on the field blood pouring out of his mouth. My first instinct was to run out there but I stayed put.....hardest thing I have had to do in a while. Finally he makes his way to me and proudly hands me his tooth. A baby one....THANK GOD!!! Unfortunatly his Jersey is white and there was blood on the front of it. Of course today was the day that I didn't take my camera. Thank God for the Clorox Bleach Pen that got everything out. If you dont have one run out and get one they come in handy for EVERYTHING. Clothing, grout, you name it. Well with all that tooth fairy money the boys were more than ready to go shopping. They pooled their money and bought another Wii game. They have been content for hours playing it. I am so glad that God blessed me with such great boys. They listen and love each other and their parents. Of course they act up every once in awhile but for the most part they really are great. They always get complimented on their manners and I have one straight A and one A, B student. They do their sports, afterschool clubs, keep great grades, help me around the house with everything, and of course get into everything and anything that they can. I may be biased but they are also the most handsome kids out there. They have big hearts too......they still give me a kiss in front of all of their friends!!! I love those little farts and thank God for them everyday!! So heres to the tooth fairy.....I'm off to play the Wii with my little darlings.
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