Wednesday, August 20, 2008

School Starts Tomorrow

Well I have spent the last couple of days back at work gearing up for tomorrow. That's right folks tomorrow is the first day of school. I cant believe that the summer is officially over. Just about everything is ready to go and the kids are getting excited to see some of their old friends. I am excited too, to get it all started. I wonder what stories I'll be coming home with this year. :0)


JW Moxie said...

Have a great first day, Shanez! I hope the boys have a great first day, too.

Carrie27 said...

I hope you had a great first day, as well as the boys!

In Due Time said...

Coming over from ICLW...

Hope your first day was a good one! It sucks summer is almost over. I am seriously getting sad at how fast this summer went by.

Danifred said...

I hope your boys had a WONDERFUL first day of school!!!

Kristin said...

I hope you had a fabulous first day. My older two kids start school on the 25th and I can't wait.