Thursday, December 04, 2008


It's freezing here. OMG I cant even find words to describe it. It's the type of cold weather that one only thinks that exists in know what I am have all seen the animated cartoon walk outside and instantly freeze and fall to pieces. That's life here in the lovely state of Illinois. I still find it surreal that we are here. I wonder when we leave what I will say about this time in my life....I know one of the phrases I will say is "IT WAS COLD". Right now it is 23 and snowing. Last year the snow was so amazing. I thought that it was so pretty and to tell you the truth it just dazzled me to bits when it started to gently fall...when it started coming down hard I was like a kid in a candy store just waiting to have the chance to go I am dreading the shoveling that will have to be done in the morning. If anyone can bottle up some sunny heat please send it my way....