Wednesday, August 06, 2008


I just don't seem to have enough hours in the day to get everything done. The summer is coming to a close and I have a laundry list of "to do" left. I know that I will get it done but geesh I am feeling the pressure. I am trying to relax as much as I possibly can with the boys because I know that when school starts there will be no relaxing for me. Daniel has practices Tues, Wed, and Thursdays from 6 to 8. Donnies coach just called and his first practice is tomorrow and we will find out then what his schedule will look like. This is on top of all the homework and clubs that they will be sure to join. It's worth it though to see them enjoy their childhood. They will be grown up soon enough.

Onto my to do list I have started to organize my pictures. I have a huge plastic tub full of pictures. There is no method to my madness so I have brought it all down to go through and organize. I have a feeling that I will spend more time pouring over them than organizing though. I have been wanting to do this for awhile but it is a big task to take on. I suppose there's no time like the present.

We have had some really bad storms here the last two days. Monday they called Dannies practice at around 7:20 by 7:30 the skies had opened and the rain was pounding. It was pitch black and the wind was horrible. We have a 15 min ride to ge home and we decided to cut though the corn field. There is an actual road there so if could save us time why not right. Well the lightning was literally a second apart and was hitting to the left and right of us. It was blinding! Combined with the rain I was starting to get a little worried. We got home and couldn't close the garage door soon enough. We came in and started settling in. I turned the TV on and there was the alert for everyone to seek shelter. Are you kidding me? So down we went to the basement where we tuned into the radio and played rock, paper, scissors. We just made a pallet and hung our until they said we could go back up. The next morning my phone rings at 6:30 AM and it;s Donte saying to tune into the news. He had just left for work. He said the skies all of a sudden got really dark and the storm started. I hollered for the boys to get into my bed and we turned to the news. Luckily we were spared from the basement. We actually went back to sleep and woke up a few hours later.

Well I am going to get started on the pictures. :0) Wish me luck!