Sunday, August 17, 2008

13 Years, One Day

What a great time we had yesterday. We woke up and went out to breakfast at the mom and pop restaurant here. The boys and Donte ordered food, I ordered a plate. They give you huge portions and I know that Daniel wont eat his hash browns or pancakes, and since that's what I wanted I just needed a plate. They sat us at this huge table so we were thrilled when we saw America and Reed walk in. We scooted over and they joined us. We had great conversation and way too much to eat. I was stuffed to the hilt and was wishing that I hadn't taken that extra bite of hash browns. It takes all of 2 minutes to get back home and by the time we did, I just wanted to go to sleep. So I did, as did Donte. I remembered laying down in bed and before I knew it the phone was ringing and it was 1PM. I crawled out of bed and into the shower and tried to make myself wake up. We hung out with the kids for a bit before they went over to the neighbors for the night.

We have the greatest neighbors to the left of us. I hope they don't move before we do because they are the only ones that we have anything in common with. They graciously offered to watch the kids for the night so that Donte and I could spend some alone time on our anniversary.

We decided to hit the casinos for a little. We headed to the Empress with $100 dollars in our pockets....i know we play such high stakes!! We tried the buffet which wasn't that good but hey it's all part of the let's pretend we are in Vegas night. Then we hit the slots because neither one of us knows how to play any of the tables. We played the slots for a little carefully stalking out the ones that we thought would be the best. I won $76.25 and Donte won $76.75. You would have thought that we won the lottery.....but hey we left with more than what we came in with. Our evening at the casino ended at 9:13PM. We were laughing about the fact that our night was ending before our night would have been beginning 12 years ago. We were contemplating the movies, but we always go with the boys and it just didn't seem right so we went to starbucks instead. I was like a kid in the candy store. I hurriedly walked to the counter and blurted out :Raspberry mocha, warm, with an extra shot of raspberry and whipped cream....PLEASE." I am sure they were wondering what was wrong with me. I save this treat for special occasions and it had been quite awhile since I had one. Donte ordered his drink and we settled into the seats outside to sit and sip our drinks. We talked and talked about everything and about nothing. About the fact that we were so glad and grateful for the fact that we had found true love so young and that our family was perfect for us. I think we headed home around 10:30. It was a great evening and super anniversary. It really is the little things in life.

Today our boys came home at around 9AM and we got ready and headed out to Legoland in Schaumberg. It was nice and the boys loved it. I just wished that it was a little bigger. It only took about 1 1/2 hours to do the whole thing and that's with letting the boys play for a while. We then went to Maggianos. The food there was phenomenal. Oh my goodness words cannot describe it. The Gnocchi in Tomato Vodka Sauce is to die for. Today's dinner out more than made up for the not so great dinner yesterday at the casino. I told Donte, I know where I want my birthday dinner. MMmmmmm YUMMY!!!

After we got home we straightened up a bit and settled into our normal routine. Daniel and I went outside to play some basketball for awhile. At first it was just the two of us and before we knew it both the Dontes joined us. Donnies friend Trent showed up a bit later to spend the night and we all ended up going in. So the day concludes with Donte, Daniel, Donnie and Trent playing the Xbox and me blogging. I think I am going to head up to bed and let the boys be boys. Tomorrow is my last official day of summer........**Sigh** and so it will begin.

1 comment:

JW Moxie said...

Happy belated anniversary! Such a laid-back anniversary. Sounds like me and Frank! That's when you know you have it good - when you can sit around and do a whole bunch of nothing and it's still the best.