Friday, August 22, 2008


Is it too early in the year to say that? We started school yesterday and I am more than happy that it's Friday. Is that bad? What the heck am I going to do next week when we are back for 5 whole days?

No seriously I love my job and wouldn't trade it for anything. Out of the kids, staff, and parents. I love all the kids and staff and most of the parents. It was so nice to see everyone again. I have a few kids that I was itching to see....the ones that would always stop by or the entire first grade class that would do their dance for me. Now those first graders are split up into many different 2nd grade classes....those kids still do the dance, and I of course get up from my desk and do the dance back.....they wont keep walking if I don't. My kids have wonderful teachers...I couldn't ask for any better. Donte is as happy as can be. He has a lot of friends from last year in his class this year. They are all so grown up now. Fifth grade is the highest grade our school goes too. They think they rule the roost..hahaha wait until they hit 6th grade. I can hardly believe that this is his last year of elementary school. Daniel has Dontes old teacher and he loves her. He doesn't have too many people from his class last year in his class this year...but Daniels not a shy guy and has already made himself at home. She has already told me some interesting stories. I am so glad that my kids are happy. I am so glad that they got phenomenal teachers that I get along with so well.

We are off to Football practice tonight. Both boys have practice. Daniels is going to turn into a BBQ after if the rain holds off. I really hope that it does. They have both worked so hard. You should see them out there. Donte has two plays of his own and he made two touchdowns at last weeks scrimmage. Daniel hasn't scrimmaged yet but watch out world that child flys through the air when he tackles!


JW Moxie said...

Glad you and the boys had a first day back. That's nuts that you already had crazy people drama at school!

Carrie27 said...

Nothing wrong with being excited for Friday already. It's hard to get adjusted to going back again, that's for sure!

Kim said...

Glad all was well for the start of school! We don't start until 9/3 in NJ!

Andy said...

stopping by from ICLW.

Happy first Friday of school!

CappyPrincess said...

I love my job and still do the TGIF thing. It's a reminder that life is constantly changing and to be greatful for little breaks in routines (for me anyway).

Besides, my kids are already TGIF'ing about school and they don't start back until Sept 2. LOL


Jaymee said...

it is never too early for TGIF.


Erin said...

Hi here from ICLW. You are a brave mom. I don't even have kids yet and football is already on my list of sports they can't play!