Friday, July 04, 2008

100 Things

I got tagged in an e-mail so here goes.

1. My middle name is Michele...with one L.

2. My youngest sons middle name is my maiden name. Had to get the Cader in there somewhere.

3. My favorite thing to wear is dark jeans and a white T, with my crocs or flip flops.

4. I miss my best friend so much it hurts....I still cry.

5. I miss living in Germany.

6. I miss my family, since we are all spread apart. but I am thankful for the phone and Internet that keeps us all connected.

7. I can't stand people who don't respect other peoples opinions. You can disagree with me but don't tell me I am wrong...your way is not necessarily the right way.

8. I love fruit roll ups...always have.

9. A long time ago I used to stop into the corner store and pick up this cheap soda that was coconut flavored....I can't find it any more. That makes me sad.

10. I have a MySpace and have connected to a lot of friends and I am happy about that.

11. I love jewelery.

12. I love purses. D&B, Coach, and Prada are to me what Manolo's are to Carrie Bradshaw.

13. If we win the lottery Donte will have a reversal and we will have another baby.

14. I cry at commercials....I am a girl you know.

15. My favorite thing to get at Starbucks is a Raspberry Mocha, Hot, Xtra shot of Raspberry and whipped cream.

16. I have already beat Guitar Hero Aerosmith on Easy. Yes I play the Wii with my kids and I love it.

17. I met my husband at the club.

18. He is the love of my life.

18. He doesn't like his toes but I do.

19. He is part American Indian and sometimes he scares the crap out of me when he sneaks up on me.

20. Sometimes I watch him when he's sleeping and bother him. When he opens his eyes I pretend that I am sleeping.

21. I think Carlos Mencia is hilarious. People should lighten up.

22. I hate prejudice of all kinds.

23. I take time to smell the flowers then I sneeze.

24. I like peach anything.

25. I have Cyndi Lauper and Boys to Men on my ipod.

26. My baby brother and his wife are going to have a baby and I couldn't be happier.

27. I love my Dogs but sometimes I wish they had an off button.

28. I miss drinking cappuccino with Melody.

29. I miss drinking wine with Chris and Kari.

30. I want to sell our house in NC and settle in Charleston.

31. If I could I would like to time travel.....just to see.

32. I love all music except for Heavy Metal.

33. This list is harder than I thought.

34. I like to i can spare everyone else the pain.

35. My husband makes the best homemade Mac and cheese in the world.

36. I make killer homemade cinnamon rolls.

37. I also make my own hot wings.

38. I love corn.

39. I hate peanut butter.

40. My husband says I have Monkey feet.

41. I am not politically correct.

42. I like it that way.

43. I love being married and being a mom.

44. I got married at 20.

45. Kenny introduced me and Donte to each other at the club.

46. I knew it was love right from the start.

47. I don't mind doing the laundry but I refuse to pair up socks.

48. I love McDonalds fries.

49. One of my old co-workers had plastic she looks like sponge bob with big boobs. Not about me but I had to share.

50. I want a tummy tuck and get my boobs lifted but I will be using a different plastic surgeon.

51. I miss my cat Mali and cried for weeks after she left me.

52. I still tuck my boys in after they are asleep.

53. I think that the majority of people in the midwest are strange.

54. The smell of fresh cut grass reminds me of when I was a kid in PA.

55. I love salt and vinegar chips.

56. I like BBQ sauce.

57. I like to scrapbook and lock myself away for hours when I need to chill.

58. Jeanine is my soul friend...we have been there for each other for over 22 years.

59. I call her mom my black mama....see not politically correct.

60. I like to sleep when it rains.

61. I don't like when women act dumb because they think it makes them look cute.

62. I beat up Rodney Crenshaw in the 3rd grade because he said his Dad was better than mine. I gave him a black eye. His Dad was my Dads 1SG.

63. I didn't get in trouble for it.

64. I love bonfires.

65. I like to sleep in but don't get the chance. When I do get the chance I am still up early.

66. My husband is very athletic and when we go running I yell at him the whole time.....he laughs.

67. My kids have their dads athleticism.

68. Kids are great but their parents can be stupid.

69. I can't whistle.

70. I love going to the zoo and museum with my kids.

71. Right now all my crazy ass neighbors are shooting fireworks and it sounds like WWIII is going on in my neighborhood. Theres some kid screaming and crying out there and has been doing so for the last 30 min. It's driving me nuts.

72. We are eating a very late dinner tonight, outside by the light of the fireworks. I better get the Tylenol ready.

73. OK now it's 12:06 AM Dinner by the firework light was fun as was the yummy chocolate cake that my wonderful hubby brought home for us......from the Mayor.

74. Steel Magnolias is one of my all time favorites. The scene at the funeral always gets me....I cry my eyes out and then I can't stop laughing.

75. I absolutely love honey bunches of oates with peaches. I could eat the whole box.

76. I admire my oldest son for his thoughtfulness. He is such an old soul. HE also looks just like his Daddy....he also walk, talks and acts like him too. I was just the incubator.

77. I admire my youngest son for his carefreeness. He is a new soul that is as quick as can be. He is the clown and he is also the cuddler. He reminds me of me when I was younger.

78. I live by the motto that God wouldn't put anything in front of me that I can't husband told me that the first time we got into an argument.

79. Donte and I never broke up when we were dating...not once.....came close but never did.

80. From the day I knew that Donnie was a boy I wanted to name him Jr. My husband said he didn't want him to be a Jr., he wanted him to have his own identity. I still really wanted a Jr. After Donnie was born I looked at Donte and said that we needed to give him a name. One look at his new born son and Jr. it was.

81. I wanted to name Dannie Max. Donte reminded me that my Moms cat was named Max. We named him Daniel. When Dannie turned two he loved the Goofy Movie. He announced that his name was him Max. Hmmmmmm makes me wonder.

82. I love the scene in Notting Hill when she says "I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her" .....told you I am a sap.

83. I was in love with Tom Cruise when I was a kid.

84. I know the words to every song in Grease....when I feel like driving my husband nuts I sing them to him. "Your the one that I want".

85. I love peach Sangria. I once drank a whole pitcher of it by myself. For some reason I thought that everything was funny that night.

86. I once shot a flare out of a gadget that looked like a scared the crap outta me....but it was fun.

87. I have enough Polish Pottery to open my own store. Yes I went to Poland with my girlfriends to get it.

88. I miss my good friends so much it hurts at times.

89. I can be a little blunt. Some know how to take it some don't...I'm trying to be better about that.

90. My favorite sayings are "Whatever" and "Get over it".....did I mention that I could be blunt.

91. I love Twix bars.

92. When we lived in Germany I would go to the salon every two weeks for a mani, pedi, and facial. When we came back to the states that changed to once every six months....have I said that I miss Germany?

93. 93 is the year that I graduated from high school. What a great year that was. I have so many great memories. Wild and free class of '93.

94. Sometimes I forget my own age and have to count.

95. I have gray hair, not a whole bunch but with my dark hair they really jump out. I usually dye my hair but haven't in about 6 months. I think I like my gray....after all I have earned them.

96. I love Broadway. The last show I saw was Jersey Boys. The next will be Wicked.

97. 97 is the year that my 1st son was born. I cant begin to explain my feelings when I first saw him. It was like looking into my own eyes. My heart was bursting with amazement, love, and awe.

98. I love sour Gummi Bears.

99. 99 is the year that my baby was born. My family was complete. How cute was Dannie with his chunky little self. I love to watch my two boys. Two perfect little farts that they are.

100. I will never do anything like this again. Really 100......I am using way too much brain power!

Happy Fourth of July

We are having a blast together hanging out at home. Donte had to run to do colorguard for the country club but will be home in a few hours. We will then be grillin' and eatin' outside on this gorgeous day. I hope you all have great day!