Friday, August 10, 2007

Skinny Bitch

My girlfriend Kari, who also happens to be one of my old neighbors from North Carolina and a dear friend, called me the other day and told me that I HAD to read this book. The name of the book is Skinny Bitch. You see we are on the same that is working for both of us. So she tells me if you really want to get into this whole diet thing read Skinny Bitch. So off I went to Barnes and Noble and of course they didn't have in stock so I ordered it online and finally got here last Saturday. I picked it up on Monday and decided to start reading and man did it open my eyes. Now some of the stuff was a little far fetched. I am a carnivore and will not give up meat....even if it just decaying flesh, but you know what bye bye soda and bye bye most dairy. The book also has references through out so when your one eyebrow raises at some of the info you can actually go look it up.....its scary what we are taught and what the effects are. To each his own I say but weather you feel like changing your habits or not its an interesting read. And to tell you the truth I haven't had soda in about a week and I kinda miss it but feel good that I am over it. I can give up milk no problem...I think its gross YUK.....its the cheese and the ice cream that will be hard but you have to start somewhere right. Now one of the thing that I liked about the book was the frankness...and when I say frank I mean it. There is no sugar coating what so ever, it's blunt and to the point. I loved it!!

I also just started reading the Blog of War. This one is much harder and I am only a few pages in but it really hits home. I can't begin to count the number of close friends and comrades that we have lost. The one that left his wife and two boys behind that are the same age as ours. He gave it all and did it proudly and we are forever thankful to him......I often think about his wife and two boys and my heart breaks. I think of the soldier that would come to our house in Germany and want hot wings and then I think of his wife and three little children that will never hug him again. I think of the man that went off to war and thought that he would make it back and retire and enjoy it....he never got to turn in those retirement papers. I thank them all, for their honor, duty and in the end their ultimate sacrifice. When I look at my husband I thank God that he is here. That every time he faced danger that he faced it with courage and determination and because of that and the grace of God he can still have the joy of tucking our boys in at night. I don't know how long this book will take me to read. I find myself putting it down a lot even though I have the need to keep reading because I want to know but in the same instance I already know the out come so I know the pain that comes with it.