Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Shack

I love Barnes and Noble. I love the atmosphere, the rows and rows of books, the people that are scattered either immersed in their own books or looking to discuss whats new.
I just finished reading "The Shack". I bought it forever ago and it sat on my shelf while I read the whole series of Twilight, Marley and Me, and The Secret Life of Bees. I really wasn't too sure what the book was about. I remember being in target and the boys and Donte were looking around and I was drawn to the books. I remember it catching my eye and I vividly remember taking the book into my hands and thinking about how haunting the cover was. A dilapidated shack in the middle of a beautiful light that gleamed off of the snow covered ground, The ladybug that was on the front and back, it all just flowed together in a sense but didn't belong together in another.
I don't know where to even start. This book touched my soul, deep in my soul. I am by no means a Bible beater and I am not a heathen either. I read this book with a completely open heart and embraced the whole thing. Far fetched is one way to describe it, but a few other words are hope, sadness, joy, and peace.
There were many passages that jumped out at me. There were so many times that I paused and reread a line or just take it in a little more. There were so many that just rang so true. Some the author wrote and some he borrowed from others, either way he placed all the words in exactly the right places.
"My Sister's Keeper" is next on my reading list and from what I hear it's a really good read as well.

Sundays = Football

Big Donte has joined a Football team out of Bolingbrook. As we all know men never really grow up and they feel a need to run and muddy each other up as often as they possibly can. Today is cold and rainy. The fog is so thick that it looks like Vilseck on a cold fall morning. The kind of fall morning that your not quite sure if it's actually fall or winter. The boys and I endured the elements as Donte got good and dirty and acted 10 again.

I am supposed to be taking a quick nap before I head out to a jewelry party...instead I am blogging and wishing it were Friday evening again. This weekend flew by way too fast!