Friday, July 11, 2008

Winston Henry

Winston Henry is the dog that my parents rescued. Remember this. Well now he looks like this.

He actually reminds me a lot of Buster. No dog could ever replace him but this little fart sure does look a lot like him.


I have recently been reading the blog of friend.......I don't even know the words to start this post. But I will post about it. It is important. I just fall into ones of those that doesn't know what to say.

Kym and Frank have 4 beautiful children. Two boys and two girls. They however did not have the easiest road to get their 4. They had to endure heartache. Getting preggers was the challange for them, and as they were going through those challenges her sister became pregnant and so did her dog! I wouldn't have known what to say to them at that time, heck I don't know what to say to them now about what they went through. I often wonder why bad things happen to good people. I would have rather them not have to go through what they did but then they may not have gone to do this.

The point I am trying to get too is that Kym is now a Surrogate Mom. The pure unselfishness and love that she shows is amazing. Frank, who I have always known to be commpassionate and understanding is right there with her supporting not only her but the other couples as well. What a blessing to have these two people in this world. To take something so heartwrenching and turn it completely around to give hope to others.

I thank God for my two little men. Donte Jr. who decided to come out two weeks late, and Daniel
who made his grand entrance on the exact date that he was due.