Friday, April 04, 2008

It's been a long time

It’s been awhile I know. So much has happened since I have last posted. My Grandfather passed away on St. Patrick’s Day. It wasn’t unexpected but how do you really prepare for it. He had a good, long life. He was a phenomenal Grandfather and will be greatly missed by all of us. Luckily the boys and I had flown to Pennsylvania a few weekends before and we had the chance to visit with him. All I can say is that he is with us all the time now and I thank God that he is not suffering anymore.

We left Chicago on Thursday, March 20th, to go to PA. It took us 11 hours…the drive actually wasn’t that bad. Donte and I shared the driving and the boys were plenty busy with their games in the back. Can I say I am so happy that they are older and I don’t have to worry about diaper bags and formula? My Granny, Mom, Aunt Lorraine, and Uncle Maurice were already there and I was so glad to be with all of them. My Dad, Brother, and Chrissy arrived later that night. And my Uncle Barry arrived the next day. We were all together and I was so glad that we were. The service was nice and I was glad that I was able to be there to say goodbye. We even drove by the house that my grandparents used to live in when I was a kid. It’s so funny how through the years everything looks smaller than you remember. We stayed and spent Easter morning there with everyone. My parents, Brother, Chrissy, and us got on the road around 1100 to drive down to GA. We made a pit stop in Washington D.C. Donte was named after his Uncle that was killed in Vietnam and Donnie is as well, so my brother thought that it would be cool for Donnie to do the rubbing of his name on the Vietnam Memorial Wall. I can’t even begin to put into words how special it was. We also walked up to the Lincoln Memorial and of course got some great pictures of the Washington monument and the Mall. We also did a quick drive through tour of the White House and some other great places. Have I mentioned before that I absolutely love the city…..sigh. We reached GA at some ungodly hour in the morning and were totally exhausted. We had so much fun hanging out with my parents, Adam, and Chrissy. My Parents are renovating their house so we pulled in and helped with the painting and Donte and I were able to surprise them with a new dishwasher and stove. It’s very hard to surprise them a they tend to know everything….but we did it and it was a great moment. We took a day trip into Orlando and enjoyed a day at Sea World. It was so nice to walk around in capris and have the heat just shining down on you. Of course we had to go Go-Cart racing and to the mall to get some Pralines from Savannah Sweets……YUMMY!!! Downtown was a must as well. We ended up going to this great Moroccan place. The inside looked like the inside of a Genie bottle. We gathered in around the tables that were close to the ground as were the chairs. The food was amazing and they had belly dancers… yes Daniel had to get up and dance with them…..and Donnie had to put the tips in their skirts…..hmmmmmm can we say they are starting really early. I swear Daniel got up and danced every single time that they allowed him to. Oh to have boys. We left on the 30th at 330 in the morning and made it home by 530 PM. We came back to yucky, rainy weather and of course its cold as ever. They say that we are supposed to hit the 60’s this weekend….lets just say I am not holding my breath!!

The boys and I went straight back to school the next day. Donte had a couple of days off so he got the pleasures of starting the laundry and getting everything unpacked. I had a girl’s night out on Wednesday. We went to a scrap-booking store and made Explosion Boxes. I will post some pictures of spring break and the explosion box as soon as I get a chance.

1 comment:

Vonn** said...

I'm sorry to hear of your Grandfathers passing. You all will be in my prayers.

Glad to hear you had a safe and adventurous trip.