Thursday, March 13, 2008


I have come to realize that non-military people are just plain different. I really miss living close to a base right now. I guess I am just having a bit of a pity party for myself. I am feeling like a fish out of water I have lived here for almost a year and have met some nice people but none that compare to my “spouse” counterparts. I tell you I really miss everyone and there is something to be said about civilians who live in a military community. I love Donte recruiting because he does come home every night but why oh why can’t he recruit closer to a base. Where I can go to the gym and see others that are going through what I am going through versus a mom that has 5 kids is 24 and is complaining because the nanny made the formula 2 degrees warmer than it should have been… response is are you serious???? Try being the Mom that never sees her husband and is juggling just as many kids without a nanny and doesn’t complain because she is blessed to have what she has and is grateful for the chance to have a life like she has. Now I am not saying everyone around here is walking around with their heads up their hineys…….but there are quite a few. OK I’m done….gonna put a smile back on my face and push on :0)

1 comment:

Vonn** said...

Where are you? I keep checking for an updated post.

Hope everyone is fine?