Saturday, February 02, 2008

Tooth Fairy

My kids are loosing teeth like there is no tomorrow. Daniel started off the streak a couple of weeks ago and Donte was soon to follow. I think he lost it either the day after or the 2nd day after Daniel lost his. Then he lost another one a few days later and today at their Soccer game I see Donnie on the field blood pouring out of his mouth. My first instinct was to run out there but I stayed put.....hardest thing I have had to do in a while. Finally he makes his way to me and proudly hands me his tooth. A baby one....THANK GOD!!! Unfortunatly his Jersey is white and there was blood on the front of it. Of course today was the day that I didn't take my camera. Thank God for the Clorox Bleach Pen that got everything out. If you dont have one run out and get one they come in handy for EVERYTHING. Clothing, grout, you name it. Well with all that tooth fairy money the boys were more than ready to go shopping. They pooled their money and bought another Wii game. They have been content for hours playing it. I am so glad that God blessed me with such great boys. They listen and love each other and their parents. Of course they act up every once in awhile but for the most part they really are great. They always get complimented on their manners and I have one straight A and one A, B student. They do their sports, afterschool clubs, keep great grades, help me around the house with everything, and of course get into everything and anything that they can. I may be biased but they are also the most handsome kids out there. They have big hearts too......they still give me a kiss in front of all of their friends!!! I love those little farts and thank God for them everyday!! So heres to the tooth fairy.....I'm off to play the Wii with my little darlings.

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