Saturday, February 02, 2008


So this is some of what people google that gets linked to my blog.

slade playing at the rocks
recruiter's wife
mean tornado
pictures of pebbles or rocks
wife of an army recruiter

That brings me to the fact that I haven't been blogging about recruiting in a bit. I suppose that when Donte comes back from school I will get back to that. He is enjoying school and all the fun info that he is learning. USAREC is a million miles away. However it is very different living in a non military town with him being gone. For the most part it's the same.....just no one that really understands that I see on a day to day basis. Famous Daves dropped in to check on us and my co workers are great. My neighbors America and Reed are the greatest. They truly are the best neighbors ever. Some people try to kick you when you’re down, I can say that they are the type that bring you up and are always honest, gracious, and caring. I love them to pieces and am dreading this fall when they plan on leaving to head back to California.

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