Saturday, September 01, 2007

Turning 32 a New Job and Getting Sick

I was called in early to start my new job. I was hired at the local elementary school to work in the front office. I had often played with the idea in NC but never acted on it.....I really wish that I would have. I absolutely love my job, love the kids, and love the people that I work with. The hours are perfect and my kids get to hang out in the office before and after school so I don't have to worry about daycare. Their homework is done before we leave and we are home at the very latest by 430. One of the nicest parts is that we truly work as a team. It's nice to work hard and actually get credit, at my last job I would work hard and our psycho leader would gobble the credit up like she did something special. She had a knack of causing rifts between the workforce and somewhere inside she loved drama because if there was drama to be had she made sure that it was in our section. It's funny how when you are in the middle of something detrimental you don't see it, but when you leave its clear as crystal. Don't get me wrong the job itself was not bad, it was doable but the people you work with make a huge difference. Lets just say my morals are good and so are my intentions. I do not believe in stabbing people in the back and I do unto others as I would want done unto me. I believe other than one other person in the office I was the only one that lived like that. I guess I was a little hesitant when I went into my new job here but after the first few minutes I saw that the school was a whole different ball game. A good one. The ladies in the office are great and we work great together. It gets hectic at times, like the tornado the first day of school (coming in a new post), but we worked together and came out unscratched. The principal and the Assistant Principal are two of the best people to work with. Their attitudes are great and they have an appreciation for people period. Their is no animosity between the ranks and everyone is respected for what their speciality is. From the janitor to the head of the school everyone works as a team. The only thing I didn't take into account was the fact that kids harbor germs...lots of them!!! My poor immune system was in for a shock. I went to work Thursday feeling great, by lunch I felt a little funny and by 3 I was ready to crawl into bed. I spent yesterday in bed with Gatorade, theraflu and Tylenol. I swear I have used at least a box and half of tissue and my nose feels like sandpaper. My dear hubby went out and bought me some Vick's and cough drops. I hate being sick. I haven't been sick in a very long time and since it came out of the blue it really knocked me on my hiney. Of course this weekend is perfect. Highs in the low 80's and sunshine everywhere. Oh boy....yup.....I'm feeling pretty sorry for myself. I turned 32 on Thursday and was so looking forward to celebrating with Donte and the boys but my date was with my bed and a box of puffs. I actually can breathe out of at least one nostril now and hope that by tomorrow I can breathe out of both. I know TMI......but it's my blog and I'll tell all if I want to!

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