Saturday, September 01, 2007

Mission Box!!

Donte's station made mission box!!! WOOOOOO HOOOOOO. This means that they recruited enough recruits for the year. The Army states that they should get XXXX amount of soldiers to sign up for the year. If they dont get their numbers they are in big trouble but if they make it they get an atta boy. So Donte is actually home this weekend. I am down with a bug but Donte and the boys are outside fishing. I am actually sitting on the couch looking out of the window at them. I thank God for my three men. The boys were too cute this weekend. They hate when I get sick. Usually they can climb into bed with us and get their cuddle time but when I am sick I keep them at arms length. I dont want them to catch what I have. They absolutly hate this. Especially Daniel he was standing at the door to my bedroom, quiet as a mouse. The conversation went like this.
"Daniel, whacha doing?"
"can I come in"
"no honey Im sick and I dont want you to get sick"
"ok" (he says this in an itty bitty voice that just makes my heart melt)
"I love you"
"I love you too baby boy"
"see you later"

He is off and I can hear him running down the stairs. Oh to be a little kid again.

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