Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The case of the missing goggles.

Kids......oh where oh where do I start. As most of you know the boys have been taking swimming this summer and are having a blast. They are actually really good at it and are excelling in all of their classes. I am trying to teach them responsibility so I make them responsible for their swim trunks, goggles and toweles. They do pretty good but for some reason they can not keep their goggles in one place to save their lives. I tell them time after time but God only knows what they are thinking. :) I have to laugh at this because you would think that the water would turn to cement if they didn't have these goggles. I truely believe that they would swim naked or just drip dry but dive in without goggles NO WAY. So I am sitting here writing this post and they are searching franticly......wonder if they have checked on top of the washing machine yet......would make sense since thats where they stripped and put their trunks in the wash. Well I have 25 min to go I think I will let them wait it out a bit. Oh they joys of being a Mom!!! :)

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