Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Bloggers Block

For the last few days I have come to the new post screen and pretty much just looked at it. I guess I have bloggers block. Everyday life is relaxed and simple and thats just the way we like it. Hanging out, Swimming and just being with each other is the best part of the summer. I have less than a month to go before it's back to work and back to the everyday grind of the boys being in school. It's hard to believe that I will have a 3rd and a 4th grader next year. It really doesn't seem that long ago that I was jammin' along to Elmopalooza and folding tiny little clothes and those adorable baby socks. I miss those days....the days that they were so excited because they discovered that they had feet or that they could scream. They have grown fast and I know that the years to come will go even faster. I am proud of them. My two young men that drive me absolutly NUTS sometimes but who know their manners and genuinly care about other people and things. They are both smart and funny. Even though the share the same DNA they are truly day and night. One is outgoing and the other a bit shy. One likes to be the center of attention and the other likes to fold into the crowd. But the amazing thing is that they can't seem to do anything without each other. I know that the day will come when they become more independant and do their own individual things but for now I will enjoy seeing them so close and hope that they remember the closeness as they become young men.

So I guess the secret to getting over bloggers block is to just write......:)

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