Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So it's been over a month since I last posted but it feels like days not weeks that have gone by. Our negative temps have warmed up a little bit but not that much. I have come to the realization is the place they are talking about when hell freezes over. So the next time someone looks at you and says "when hell freezes over" give them a ticket to Illinois. :0) 2 1/2 years here to go.

My family will be here day after tomorrow. We are all so excited and ready for them. I am bursting at the seems knowing that Oprah is less than 72 hours away. The hotel is booked, the outfits are ready, and now all we have to do is wait for the day to come. I wonder what her topic will be....this thought runs through my mind several times a day. My co-worker went last week and had a good time. I still think that I was excited way beyond her level of excitement though. I wanted to know each and every bit down to the tinest little detail. I can't wait to write the post about what I get to experience.

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