Monday, December 01, 2008

Have I Mentioned..... hard it is to go back to work after having 5 days off to laze around and do absolutely nothing but hang out with your family and friends. When the alarm went off this morning I wanted to smash it with a sledgehammer. Especially since it snowed all day yesterday and through the night. It has been snowing all day today as well. I am no longer enthralled by the soft, white, sparkly blanket that covers the ground and just about everything else....nope, not at all it just means more slush and ice to deal with after the sun goes away. I believe that I am a southerner at heart....I was born on a tropical island you know....this whole cold thing does not agree with me at all.

Another thing I was not prepared for is the fact that it is December 1st already!!!! OMG I have so much to do and so very little time. We have birthday and Christmas parties galore not to mention the usual day to day occurrences. But looking to the bright side I should be an Aunt again in about 7 days.

Well I better run and try to get at least a couple of things crossed off of my to-do list.

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