Sunday, September 21, 2008

I wish I had a pause button.

Let me tell you how my weekend one word HECTIC in a little more than one word......Friday was a teacher institute day so I went in super early and got off at one. I hurried up picked up my boys and headed out to the stores to pick up the last minute birthday supplies. We rushed home, unpacked the car and loaded Mr. Murphy up to get his rabies shot. For those of you who do not know Mr. Murphy has allergic reactions to his shots and has to not only be premeded but post meded....sooooo much fun NOT!! He got his 2year rabies shot that covers him until 2010, and we waited our half an hour, got the meds for the post med and came home. I let the dogs out, hollered at the ids to get ready for practice, and watched as the minutes ticked by way too fast. I did a quick once over on Murphy and put the dogs up before we left for practice. Now I am tired already and am annoyed with Donte's coach because the man changes practices every week.....seriously I could scream but whats a girl to do???? SUCK IT UP I KNOW. So practice finally finished and we head home. The boys shower and we get the house decorated for the party, streamers galore, football Dr. Peppers and tons of fun stuff for 9 rowdy boys. I checked on Murphy one last time and put the dogs to bed at about 9pm. At 9:30 Donte gets home and Murphy has thrown up and his face is so swollen that I can barely see his eyes. I shove benadryl down his swollen little throat and give him the coldest water that I can get my hands on. I immediately get him outside into the fresh air and am praying to God that this little fart does not croak on me. 60 min later his swelling is down and I have about 100 more gray hairs!! I got to bed that night at around 130 AM. I am awake at 330 AM to give him his next dose....I swear he looked annoyed with the fact that I had woken him up. I don't even remember getting back into bed but I did and then the alarm went off at 8 finished the house, confirmed the chilis platters and we all headed off to the games. After the game we headed to chilis, picked up the food and rushed home. The boys jumped in the shower and I set out the food, by this time kids started arriving. Thank God for my friend Terri that picked up 4 pizzas at the great price of $6 per pizza....yummy, huge, just right pizzas.........cont, tomorrow I am falling asleep writing this.


SassyCupcakes said...

Wow. That's really full on. I'm so glad your dogs okay.

Mama Bear said...

Gosh I am exhausted just reading about your day!

CappyPrincess said...

Sounds like the perfect party for boys... and hoping that Mr. Murphy is back to his old self now. Poor baby.


Erin said...

So glad the dog is doing well. My husband's ferret had an allergic reaction to her shot for the first time ever last week. That was so scary. I had to leave her there.

You have some cute boys! ICLW.

Michelle said...

I'm exhausted now! I am very glad your dog is doing well. I have a dog that has severe allergies as well and it is very hard. I wish they could talk sometimes so they could tell us how they feel.