Sunday, August 24, 2008


Today was just as hectic as the rest of last week. We woke up, had time enough to get ready and head out the door so Donnie could get his pictures taken. What a difference a day makes. Today was in the 80's and there was a light breeze. Since there was no threat of rain we headed out to the football field and enjoyed the beautiful weather as we waited. Then we ran to SAMS and Caputos for some grocery shopping. I buy monthly for my meats so I was pretty proud to see that my bill on that went even lower. I only spent $42.93 at Caputos and was done. So I saved even more money this week and on top of that was even able to pick up some new stuff for a new recipes. Mexican Lasagna....yummy. We also picked up some Krispy Kremes...I am still heart broken about the Lemon doughnuts. After that we headed home and unpacked really quik, the boys changed and we headed off across the street to Wendels birthday party. T had some super delicious food and some terrific fun set up for the kids. We headed home at about 6:30 and have been hanging out ever since. The boys are about to go to bed and I swear I hope I can keep my eyes open long enough to make it upstairs to the bedroom!


alicia said...

that is definatly a busy day!! but sounds like you got a lot accomplished, so thats good!

here from ICLW

Kate said...

Here from ICLW. Just reading that made me tired! :)

Jessica White said...

I'm exhausted from just reading about your day! Hopefully you get to have a more relaxed weekend this coming weekend.


Anonymous said...

Happy A day and Happy Early B Day. Nice story about how you and your hubby met. When are you going to call me back? Hope all is well and I am still in NE. Luv yah!

Stacie said...

Ah, Krispy Kremes sounds so good right about now. I am so sad they closed the one in our neck of the woods!

Your day does sound really busy. No wonder you are exhausted!