Friday, August 15, 2008

August 15

This date has so many meanings for me. today would have been my Grandpas birthday. The last few years it has been hard to say the least. I would call him and he would sometimes mumble and sometimes nothing at all. I would however keep talking...somewhere deep inside I knew he could hear me and I always imagined that even if his lips couldn't say the words he was thinking them. What words you may ask? Well to tell you the truth any words would do. This year though I am sure that he is celebrating. Dancing and partying with all the ones that went before him. And this year I can talk to him and know that he is looking down on me smiling. What a cruel thing the circle of life is.

Today is also my husband brothers birthday. A brother whom we never see because of circumstances that he brought upon himself. It bothers my husband every year. I don't feel as if it's right for me to elaborate on that. If Donte wants to them he will. It's just not my place.

This is also the date 12 years ago that my fiancee came home from Kuwait....wait I will have to tell you all about that in the "continuation" posts.

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