Thursday, July 31, 2008

Pineapple, Coconut Ice Cream, and Bananas

What a very sweet's also serving as my brunch. I know not good but hey I have my dairy and my fruits and danggummit its healthy to me. It's such a hot and muggy day today that this is perfect. If I had thought about it I would have put it all in the blender with some malibu and called it a day LOL no I seriously wouldn't drink this early in the day.

As for everything else we are all doing great. The boys are almost done with tryouts....YIPEEEEE....we have been at the football field everyday except for weekends for the last two weeks. The boys are both loving it. They are of course in two different divisions. Daniel in Bantam and Donte in Featherweight. Daniel has always had a love for Football and is one of the most non-fearing children that I know. Donnie has found a new found love for football and is learning so quickly. He has the agility, strength, and speed. Most of the kids out there have been playing for years and are well over 100lbs. My poor baby is barely cracking 80 so he is on the smaller side out there. Trust me some of those boys give a whole new meaning to baby line backer. Anyway I think Donnie is going to play in house this year as they have pretty much already picked their travel team for featherweight. He is a little disappointed but I explained to him that for a kid who would rather pick up a base ball bat or kick a soccer ball than a football he wowed them all. Rarely can the kids get him down when hes being tackled...heck yesterday he ran into the line like a bowling ball going for a strike and broke through 4 kids with no problem. I am bursting with pride just in case you can't tell. He did admit that he loves football though so through the years I am going to have to start buying stock in that hair dye. Why can't my babies like Golf?

Donte has been taking Daniel and like I mentioned before this child loooooooves football. He is doing well in Bantam and we will find out soon what the results of his tryouts are. I know he did just as well as his brother. Mr. Tuff Stuff himself.

Now onto the husband....OMG....he is living, breathing, and just about glowing football. The three of them sit around and talk in that gibberish they call football language. Of course they are all grinning from ear to ear and I am looking at them trying hard to catch a familiar word here and there. Oh well I should have known with the amount of testosterone in this family.

As for me.....I am enjoying the last days of summer with my family. All too soon it will be back to the school house and actually getting up to an alarm clock. I am excited in a way but in another I have really enjoyed the days with my boys. Pretty soon I will be writing tardy passes and waving hi to all the little ones that pass by the front. Before I know it, it will be May again and the anticipation of summer will have us all ready to bust.

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