Monday, July 21, 2008

My First Born, My Baby, and The Man That Loves Them

This little football player is my first born. My sweet little, angel faced, loving boy......who turned into a monster ramming the heck out of his brother and father and giggling with enjoyment at every hit. To think that he is my reserved one. That's not a tear on his face, it's hard core sweat.

This little muffin is the baby of the family that swears his first word should have been TACKLE. I knew this time was coming for him and have been mentally preparing myself from the beginning.

Here's the first moment of impact....I think my head sprouted about 50 gray hairs after witnessing this.

Here's the proud Daddy who is seeing the fruit of his loins starting their manly trek into tackle football. HA and he thought that he was exempt from being tackled. No way Jose your a target too. Moms the only safe one.


Tash said...

a couple of great photos there - even though they must strike fear into your heart!

Visiting from ICLW!!

Dawn said...

Love the pics. So cute. So big.

From ICLW!

JW Moxie said...

Your camera is working some photomagic for you! I think I might have to make an investment.

Frank and I seriously need to get into some kind of laundry routine. Eh...we'll get there someday!

Miss Feisty said...

You have a beautiful family!

My husband was a recruiter for 6 years...I do not miss the long hours that's for sure!!!

Take care :)

Cece said...

Great photos!

Sue said...

Great pics! Thanks for visiting my blog! Your boys (all three!) look precious!
from ICLW!