Saturday, July 12, 2008

Had To Share

This is a conversation I just had with my Soul Friend. J and I have been friends ever since we the only two flutes in beginning band. We have followed each other all over the world and she can read me like an open book. Soooooo I am still stalling in my craft shopping and getting more agitated by the fact that my boys are going into football.....this is how the convo went.....


S: How was it?

J: OMG you were right that movie was the boooooomb

s: I told you....did you crack up when he said they should have sued McDonalds?

J: HA yup that was too good

more banter about Hancock and Will Smith

Then we start talking about vacations, and family, and all the regular stuff. I tell her I better go because I have to get ready to get the boys stuff but I don't wanna go.

J: Why not? they are boys....

S: I know but there my babies and I don't want them getting hurt.

J: They are rough, they will be fine.

S: I know but....well FD says that they are rough enough and that their Daddy's mean as a rattle snake so they will be fine.

J: Ain't no one meaner than you. LOVE YOU go get ready so you can get the boys stuff.

S: **laughing** Whatever LOVE U2.

Thanks butt head for making me relax. Miss U!!!

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