Thursday, July 24, 2008

Birds of a Feather Flock Together

I have mentioned many times that I miss the "Military Mentality". The fact is that I felt like a fish out of water for a long time after moving to Illinois. There was no welcome committee, and even after I did meet a few people who we thought would be great friends they turned out to be a lot different than we thought they were. There are good and bad where ever you me I know that. Well when I went to conditioning on Monday I ended up sitting by this really nice lady. We struck up a convo and within minutes were gabbing away like we had known each other forever. Come to find out she is retired Army, a former West Point instructor. Tuesday another lady joined us....her husband was in the Army as well. The three of us chatted away while cheering on our kids. We talked about everything from being stationed here and there and how we miss certain things about living in a military community. I even got to vent about feeling like a fish out of water for so long and they agreed that they went through the same thing. I finally felt like I wasn't losing my mind. Another thing I love is that their kids are well behaved. I guess I not only missed the military wives but I missed the military brats too. Now I am not saying that there's anything wrong with all of the locals because I have met some really great people, people that I will stay in contact with forever. People that I love to hang out with and look forward to their company. Unfortunately I have also met people who get joy out of acting like they are 12....enough said.......I don't have time for that crap!

I so believe that there are things in the universe that pull people together. The law of attraction is a powerful one. So thank you universe for pulling me in the right direction!


Heather J. @ TLC Book Tours said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog! I came over to say hi, and then I saw your picture - you could SO TOTALLY pass as the sister of a good friend of mine - crazy!

JW Moxie said...

I had that fish out of water feeling when I was in the 6th grade. That was my first time not living in a military community and it was AWFUL! In my experience, there is definitely a difference between non-military kids and those who are military brats (or at least those who are non-military, but live in a military town). Military brats are open and accepting of newcomers because they have to be. I felt like such an outsider in 6th grade. They weren't used to "new kids" and it was a total culture shock for me. That was and still remains to be the WORST year of my life.

I'm glad that you found some people that you can relate to!

alicia said...

that is great that you are meeting new ppl!! I hope that keeps happening for you!

here from ICLW

Mara said...

That's wonderful that you were able to finally find some people with whom you had a connection! Finding that is not easy, as you clearly know, so I'm glad it came your way!