Monday, February 04, 2008

What can I say but the weather here SUCKS. I have shoveled more snow since Donte left than I ever have in my whole entire life.....and what do I get for this.....the stupid street sweeper man that sends all the slush, dirt, and snow in a huge plume right back onto my driveway. To add salt to my wound the road is still a mess of caked on frozen ice and compacted snow!!! I basically iceskated to work in my car this morning. JR called the street people this morning from school and they told her well there was a lot of snow....ummmmmmm NO SHIT!!!! I am really fuming. Do you know how hard it is to shovel snow that has been rained on and refrozen into a lovely slushy mess? UUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGG We are under a severe thunderstorm watch for tonight and are due to get 6 inches tomorrow I miss the south. Donte is wearing shorts and complaing that his room is warm because he has the windows open. If I click my heals together 3 times do you think it will get me there?

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