Tuesday, November 06, 2007

This recruiting life is starting to grow on us. It's really not that bad. In the past there was always a worry about is he going to deploy? When is the company going to the field? You all that live the military life know exactly what I am talking about. Yes the hours are long at times but I warm my feet on his feet every night with no looming thoughts of when hes going to deploy. Now I don't think that we could have survived 10 years ago in the recruiting lifestyle but we are definitely a stronger couple and can deal with the issues that arise. I am growing accoustom to the civilian surroundings that we have. No PX, Commissary or fellow spouse right at hand but I have met some really great people here and we are all starting to feel like we are at home. ATC is coming up and it should be a fun experience. I haven't bothered with a ball in years. The great news is that Dontes Company had the most recruits so they will be presented with sabers at ATC. They are really a good bunch of people that have blended into a well oiled machine. I consider us lucky because I have heard horror stories about some of the companies and the situations that have arisen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, I came across your web site by accident and thought I would send you a note. I am a Army Recruiters wife also. My husband is the 1SG for the Booneville Company; 2nd Brigade Baton Rouge Battalion. We have been in Recruiting for 10 years now. Believe me its a different world! It's nice to know others are out there and if you would like you can email me at jammiehicks@bellsouth.net. Would love to keep in touch with you. Hope you have a very blessed day!
Jammie Hicks