Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Sweltering Hot Days and Rainy Nights

I swear the days here are getting just as hot as the ones down south and for the last couple of days the thunderstorms have been rolling in right around dinner time. I know I should be glad for sunny days.....I am, I promise but they spoiled me here with the picture perfect days and the cool nights with the breeze blowing in through the windows. It reminded me of Germany.....those of you that have lived there know what I am talking about. When we were in Vilseck we lived in front of Big Mike (Big Lake) we had a two story three bedroom and there were those nights that you could open all the windows upstairs and it would feel down right GOOD. The breeze would blow through the house and almost lull you to sleep. Well that's what I was enjoying here, we do after all have the huge pond in our back yard. But BOOOOOO on the rain Gods I actually had to turn my air-conditioning on due to the fact that my windows have to stay tightly shut.

And yes I do feel blessed that the weather is the only thing that I have to gripe about :)

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