Tuesday, July 17, 2007


In my lifetime, my all 31 years of it I have moved 9 times...wow I had never counted it up before but theres that number......9. Now this is not house to house or dorm room to parents house but real moved like packed up everything that I owned and moved. It hasn't really bothered me especially in the last few years with email and messenger and all the joys of our super technical world that we so joyously cohabitate in. I mean really what I ever did before my cell I don't know...(well I do? Anyway getting back to my post....I am horrible at staying in touch. It's not that I don't care or that I forget about the friends that I had, it's just that I really SUCK at it. Well I had a girlfriend in Germany, Gabi. I love this woman like a sister and her hubby is a hoot and her kids were always so polite. We went on many a day trip together to Nuremberg and Poland. We had dinners and get togethers and phone calls. And through the years I have thought of her often and in my mind said I have got to call or email her and then life happened and it was another 6 months gone. Well after I decided to start this blog up again I emailed my friends and her email came back returned.....WHAT OMG I could have passed out!! You see even though I hadn't talked to her I took for granted that she was right there...just an email away....so what did I do I looked her hubby up in the AKO white pages (Thanks AKO) and swiftly emailed him and he passed on her email. So I emailed her this morning and she emailed me back and even though it has been literally years since we have spoken her email started out like this......

"Shanez, old Girlfriend"

and just like that I felt like no time had passed. That's the greatest part of the military no matter how far, how long or how hard it is for one to keep in touch, we are all connected. So with the promise from both of us to be better at keeping in touch and my heart feeling good and full I will continue to enjoy my rainy day that is just a little brighter with the words from an old friend.

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